United States of Bonerland

I don’t think he’s trying to unfairly downplay Tesla’s system. I think, as another commented mentioned, this guy is responding to the Cult of Tesla. We’re all really excited about autonomous driving, and Tesla’s currently got the closest consumer-available system. Sure, it’s cool to see a Tesla swerve to miss an

I thought JGL was doing a Nic Cage impression, but then I saw real Nic Cage and lost it.

Yeah like how my dad just fell off the Golden Gate bridge. He was always such a clumsy guy, which is why he lost his job. No wonder he fell off.

Guys! June is technically later this year! They're gonna announce a new Nintendo in June! I hear it's gonna have 8 controller ports and use a 128 bit processor!

There's no good story reason for her to be Talia al Ghul. Sure, someone had to trick Bruce because…. I dunno, I guess it wouldn't have worked without it? But Bane could have operated on his own without any League of Shadows connection other than "This guy got kicked out for being too ruthless wow!" Instead, he was

Can we talk about this bullshit for a second?

Right? Like, if you say, "Hey guys this is Batman you know Batman right? Cool." then we don't need to relive that AGAIN. (But then, the whole "he shot Martha Wayne in the neck holy shit Zach Snyder wtf" moment was something else entirely.)

No, Spider-Man spoke out about child molestation.

This movie keeps getting me thinking about the balance between understanding viewer experience and incorporating it into the film and just not explaining everything enough.

While I don’t want to migrate to Day One 2 until they add Dropbox sync, I’ll happily grab this now for free and migrate later.

I'm hate watching Snyder's filmography so I can better appreciate this mess when I finally see it. What Snyder really needs is someone with authority who can say "No, this isn't a good idea."

Ohhhhh I haven't watched that in a while. But now I will. Great show.

Wait, what's this? I don't remember this part. Is this in one of the newer ones?

Really nice article that gets at the heart of why I hate the idea of Snyder's latest film. It's inauthentic for these characters to fight – a cynical abandonment of character development in service of marketing.

I like it too. *doubleshrugs*

Damn this was a well-written explanation of why miniseries are so often awful.

Yeah. I feel bad about io9, but after it was absorbed by Gizmodo (which is also terrible now), I mentally wrote it off. RIP lifehacker and io9.

I'm so happy. While I'd miss lifehacker, I'd be so happy for it to go under. That site is everything wrong with modern journalism.

Well, Apple *did* achieve design perfection with the iPhone 4s. The screen size compromise with the 5/5s made watching media slightly more enjoyable on the devices. Upgrading the internals while keeping a great body design (that still looks better than most smartphones) makes sense.

But in my defense, Hulu didn't have the "Turn off constant tampon ads" payment tier then.