United States of Bonerland

Instead THIS movie is about marital problems? Judging from the trailer, looks pretty rough.

While watching this episode, I kept saying to my wife, "I really love what they're doing with the script, but the acting is really wooden. It's like watching John Mulaney 'act.'"

Basically, any scene involving a lot of movement. Or, you know, when she's standing there, I guess.

Who else absolutely hates seeing that creepy CG-uncanny valley ScarJo? I get she was preggers during filming (irony, because of bad character development). But the fake-ness of this creeps my out, like ghost Paul Walker in furious 7.

Uhhhh money? People usually love the stuff. You can trade it for drugs, houses, exciting new haircuts…

…What? Is this Tumblr?

Quickly looking over those scans, it's clear fat plungerhead wants to be someone shocking, like John Waters and Lady Gaga combined in the worst way. But even "his" book looks like a half-assed appeal to the idiot Urban Outfitters crowd.

Drink this, then we'll talk about it.

Don’t call it a parody site – that adds legitimacy to what is basically clickbait lies told for ad revenue. At least add quotation marks around “parody” to give it some distance.

It was fantastic watching Nathan set up the pieces like a master manipulator, taking full advantage of each individual/morning news industry weakness, then watch him simply give them a little push to put his plan in motion. He's like the dictator of comedy!

Because Hulu’s ads are notoriously awful. You’ll see the same ad multiple times in an hour-long program. And if you watch another episode, guess what? You’ll see the ad again.

I’m paying for the service, not ads. If Hulu didn’t limit which shows I could stream to my TV (instead of computer), or gave a free

Yeah exactly. It felt like someone who wasn't weird trying to be weird, but that dog won't hunt for R&M fans. We're genuinely weird. We can tell when something's trying too hard and failing.

"…nothing to offer beyond the fact that it was really fucking weird"

Also, the season one red costume also made Charlie Cox look off center in the Netflix them now.

Sure, but is he funny-funny? Maybe I'm just tired of Arminsen's overplayed schtick (we get it – quirky people are quirky!), and so my dislike for both his comedy and his person have converged?

Not just Gawker. It's a reputation for being just kind predatory and gross he himself has confirmed in interviews. I mean, who could cheat on poor Elizabeth Moss? She's a national treasure!


Hold on, buckaroo: HALF white. He'll be double fine because he can play both sides of the fence.

Nothing that's not already second or thirdhand from internet people. Sorry – I'm not actually a source.

Not to be confused with the Predator's asshole.