United States of Bonerland

Anyone else have a hard time being interested in anything Armisen does after learning he's kind of a predatory asshole?

Says the guy whose profile pic looks like a vagina.

Also, my phone wanted to replace "fart" with "Gary", so sorry all you Garys out there. Bunch of fart faces.

Easter egg: it's a queef, not a fart. Check out the yanick portal at the end. Totally a vag.

So it's like how Pakistanis feel about Kumail Nanjaini, or Indians about Aziz Ansari, but for people who grew up shooting alligators in the face?

I never got why Gambit is a "popular" character. To say he seems one-dimensional is being generous. What gives?

Maybe they'll shop the uncensored version to Amazon, satisfying Americans' needs for both ultra-niche streaming comedy and gratuitous T&A.

Ah, yes. There it is. I'd overlooked it due to a bender.

RIP Woodhouse.

My digital marketing director boss just resigned due to our organization becoming semi-hostile towards digital marketing best practices. (“We need more website carousels!” “The website is too ‘wiz-bang!’”)

While this list is great for most situations, I’d like to contribute a few more:

- Get a written recommendation

That's actually the line that prompted my comment. I'm a professional writer, and it irks me to no end when some college sophomore studying English thinks they're a damned genius because they pointed out a misused homonym.

Nope. Genuine.

Instead of talking about how this is a bad TV show (which we all knew would be bad from the first mandatory trailer on HBO Go), I'd like to say how much I like that the commenters here don't nitpick stupid grammar errors in the articles they read. It seems like the first comment thread on most sites is, "Hey you

Hulu's long-con is working.

It's like going to a Christian homeschool.

…but what if "Old Man Logan" is kind of dumb, gross in a way that doesn't really add to the story, and a prime example of how "gritty" does not a good story make?

Expected to hate this, was actually pretty well-done.

*Sob* "Of course…"

So. Ed Hardy clothing literally gave its designer cancer. Tacky designers beware.

Whew. I had the same feeling and thought, "Man, I'm an asshole." Now I can feel comforted knowing we're *all* assholes together.