United States of Bonerland

Person with dense bones here, can confirm. When I weighed 185, I compared myself to a friend who also weighed 185. He was muscular and in pretty great shape. I was still really skinny. We were the same height.

Everything here and more. No streaming service has more contempt for its customers than Hulu. But what would you expect from a company partially owned by NBC Universal and thus, Comcast.

"Grandpa, why do these awful comics keep getting delivered to your home every month? Did you do something wrong?"

Early 2016? I get the "bad movie" release window, but usually these films seem to turn around much more quickly. Maybe Fifty Shades Blacker will be released in late August 2016 to get back on "terrible parody fast track" pacing.

It’s on the right! They included it! :D

True story. I'm wondering if this thing even has enough momentum to make it to Infinity War part 1.

Sure, why not. I didn't bother to look up the exact schedule since I don't plan on seeing most of them.

I would agree, had the tones been determined as artistic choices. But everything about it (including recent news about hiring 5 writers for Wonder Woman and 3 for Aquaman, then seeing what sticks) reeks of a film series designed by committee.

Since it's clearly an executive decision to ape Marvel's strategy, I derisively refer to Man of Steel, Batman v Superman: Dong of Justice, Suicide Squad, and Justice League as DC's Phase 1. Their Phase 2 hasn't been fully fleshed out yet, but I imagine it won't be the big hit they anticipated, and they'll reboot the

Here's what a high school friend said when I made fun of the Batman v Superman trailer: "Because all movies have to be fun? I guess since marvel made money with their fun style nobody can do anything from now on? They can't try and tell a their own story with their own tone? And yes the god theme has been present in

Remember Slipknot? Remember when it was possible to be a fan of Slipknot without everyone laughing you out of the room? (It was those two weeks in 9th grade.)

That's on the docket after the Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad movie.

Yeah, watching that clip quickly murdered my nostalgia.

"Well done" is my mother's go-to for describing media. It's kind of like her saying, "I'm not articulate enough to describe the specifics such as directing or acting, so I'll just say, 'It was very well done.'" A real barometer of good taste, my mother.

This show is making me realize how much Batman needs to be a series, not 3 movies spaced out over a decade. Watching Matt/Daredevil work episode-to-episode delivers this awesome ground-level experience as a viewer that bigger tent pole superhero movies lack.

"Basically, you put your foot in the bag and seal it except for one corner."

Kanye West.

Why am I an asshole? Am I supposed to assume everyone commenting about how they think the Apple Watch is too expensive owns "a bunch of those expensive swiss watches"? You're clearly not the target market for the Apple Watch. You prefer those "expensive swiss watches" you totally own instead.

Higher-end stainless steel watch bands cost $600+, so it's not too much for the market they're going for (not you).

Maybe it's the gold?