United States of Bonerland

WTF is this earnest, sentimental, cynicism-free comment doing on this site?

Nothing to forgive. That song's a camp masterpiece.

If ONLY we could jettison him into SPACE! WHY??!!! WHYY?!?!??!??!!

Looks like you had this obit in the pipe, eh?

Well, this saves me the trouble of deliberately not watching it.

I wanted James Franco to lose, too, but not like this. Not like this.

Good luck agreeing on the price of a movie ticket, what with your fluctuating currency and all.

A gentleman's terrorist, one might conclude.

No, there wouldn't. North Korea's film would never be shown in the US in a wide release, period. Yeah, their low-budget-poorly-made film about assassinating Obama would get a cult audience (for probably the same reasons The Room has an audience), but it'd still be permitted to screen.

It's not Obama… YET. Just wait until he uses his presidential executive powers to pull other movies he doesn't want to see becayse he's secretly a communist/muslim/terrorist antichrist.

And not obese?

Grew up in Downey, can confirm zombies.

What about how this movie was genuinely terrifying? The danger in Christmas movies needs to be abstract to work. Look at The Santa Clause or Jingle All Da Vay: the only thing at stake in those films is "Christmas is ruined for one or more people!"

AMC's worse. And, based on the 30+ people in line for tickets while there are literally zero people using the working ticket kiosk, it's where stupid people go to the movies.

No, he did. After seeing it a second time and actually *hearing* the big reveal, I can confirm that it's nothing that wasn't explicitly explained several times, by several characters, for the rest of the film.

That's the point.

It's like Mr. Rogers is the anti-Cos.

…Was that an areola I spied? R-rating. No amount of phartwarming antics can redeem this.