They’re probably having trouble finding someone to play a 7-foot-tall ex-basketball-pro Hindu guru drag queen alien.
They’re probably having trouble finding someone to play a 7-foot-tall ex-basketball-pro Hindu guru drag queen alien.
I mean Spike’s physically possible, so. I think it’s more about the vibe, honestly - I just can’t see Cho as Spiegel at all. It’s not really about him looking the part or not, I just don’t associate John Cho with the certain swagger Spike possesses - if I had to cast this, I would just go balls to the wall and cast…
“It’s a 1,000-year chess game between Hari Seldon and the Empire...”
As an ethical stance about not letting writers harm themselves to produce reviews, it would carry more weight if it had been consistently applied over the years. Everyone has been happy to look the other way while critics were using PEDs to slam out reviews as we cheered them on. You think Ignatiy knocks out…
Starship Troopers is an amazing movie, David Roth is an incredible writer and Great Hills Partners are among the biggest group of fart-huffing, self-satisfied morons in a fetid sea of private equity vultures.
Probably The Venture Bros.
The pumpkin spice must flow.
“I married your granddaughter and filled her belly with my festering seed!”
“Rocky isn’t really a movie about Rocky Balboa fighting Apollo Creed”
Other UK children’s editions of classic literature:
Just in time to cash in on the height of Halo’s popularity then eh?
I thought Clayton Kershaw’s tribute to that last night was really beautiful.
I knew Calvin’s Dad was a Deadspin commenter.
+4 dead in Ohio
Wow, he’s really lucky, because, while they take drug offenses super-seriously in New Hampshire, they recently repealed the death penalty. Not only that, but hanging was still on the books in NH as one of the possible means of execution, until earlier this year! So, he won’t have to worry about mobs of people…
All advertising is pandering. They don’t care about you, your life, your hardships, or your successes. They only care about getting your money.
a story about the humbleness and generosity of Heisman-winning Super Bowl Champion Charles Woodson is definitely sports-related
oh my