
Not the only hungry Billiken.


The entire time I was thinking “Don’t do it Shane!”

I'm sure all the guns were purchased legally...

Paralyzed? He was dancing in the locker room after the game.

It’s odd to me how frequent it happens to high school kids when compares to college and the NFL, where players are bigger, faster and stronger.

Big deal. I work through paper cuts at my desk job daily.


And not to say that I don't think they deserve to be paid, and paid well. They do. But to say that a free college tuition doesn't resemble compensation is a joke.

“marks the first time that college football players have received anything close to resembling compensation for their labor..."

Yeah, this is the police’s fault.

Cue the Skyline Chili jokes...

Lebron also blatantly traveled right before he was fouled, so let's call it even.

God damn it. Now every time Goodell does something dumb - which is a lot - my poor Skyline Chili gets dragged into the mess. JUST LET US BE!!!

Conte died months ago...

Well, now he can't say those motherf*ckers aren't doing sh*t for him.

This happened just 15 minutes after Blake robbed a concession stand.

You've got to be more subtle than that to be considered incognito

So, what do you guys think about Anthony Davis?

If it's truly that sunny in Philadelphia right now, he would have had a milksteak.