
Not the only hungry Billiken.

Main takeaway: Shavlik Randolph is still in the NBA?!

how about 'a majority of americans assume that if a cop shoots an unarmed black man they must have done something to deserve it'?

I would get behind this if there was evidence it was fucking true. Unless someone can correct me the only indication of this being factual is Dorian Johnson.

This Blogger Is The Worst Thing On Gawker

I come to Deadspin for informative and hilarious commentary and articles. I don't come to Deadspin to listen to some homer write an article with a bs title and whiny complaints. Bad calls went both ways. Oregon is not the #2 team in football.

Of course it changes the premise. Then it gets classified with 99.9% of all shootings with black victims, the shootings that happen every day, the ones that don't cause a moral panic or pinned-post soul-searching.

"Watchin football with girls is literally worse than death"

I'm sure your formerly future wife appreciates you responding. Couple of serious questions for you and other former/current college athletes, were it not for the scholarship, would you have gone to college? And if so, how would you then have paid for food and dates/getting laid? I assume you would answer a job, since

1,695 words before Will gets to the only one you need:

"Don't waste it on your girlfriend, throw it through the window of a minority-owned business."

Meanwhile, Browns scouts asked Bortles how many things he could to do to his girlfriend with a brick.

I don't know, April 15th has never been real kind to Antoine Walker.

Aww! Another happy ending!


Is Biathlon legal in Russia?

That girl sucks at dribbling.