Krakoa The Living Island

Why do I get the feeling that Seahawks fans are about to become football's version of St. Louis Cardinal fans?

#9 "....This is as absurd as if Darth Vader delivered Christmas presents to little Luke and Leia on a spaceship-sled."


We should be eating horse meat. Hell, in WWII, Horse Meat was the only meat not severely rationed by the OPA.


I would add that another reason sportswriters enable or ignore this behavior is that our culture as a whole still treats violence toward women less seriously than other forms of violence. (Look at the current controversy over rape reportage on college campuses, for example.)

Well, remember that I'm still on the left, so yeah, I share their skepticism of farm and water subsidies, tax breaks for agribusiness, unchecked power of transnationals and the GOP.

As a techno-progressive, someone on the left who isn't reflexively afraid of science or technology, I've generally been skeptical of the anti-GMO movement. The stuff hasn't produced the equivalent of Minamata, Thalidomide, Bophal or Carson's Silent Spring and I think most of the fear is unwarranted.

I'm sure they'll find the cause once someone looks into it

Would be much cooler if it was only done for current players who have won a title. So, you know, you don't get the right to a gold "mark" just because your team won it 30 years ago.

I read it. Turns out they just excerpted a bit of Burneko's recipe for a grilled cheese sandwich.

Matt White was also a bust and that was before every GM had There is No Such Thing as a Pitching Prospect tattooed Thug Life-style across their gut.

Guessing the guys who whine the hardest don't even know how to change a tyre. Fenders/lights/brakes/racks/bells/whistles are all personal preference items and I much prefer to fit my own.

Please point me to a bike store where you can get a brand new, belt-driven bike with a hub gear for sub-$350.

Tip 1: don't hire out an expensive hotel to hold something like this.

"She tried to blame it on a block of feta she had sitting out on her bed."

No, I win. Nope. Nope nope. I win. Okay. Here goes. It's long but (I think) it's worth it.

BS - unless you were playing someone else's New Game +.

Feelings about the Matrix sequels aside, these "everything wrong with X" videos are SO PAINFULLY AWFUL. Only a small percent of the comments are actually plot holes or mistakes in the movies, the rest of it is a counter of how many idiotic snarky remarks this person can make.