
Property taxes are lower because the housing prices are lower. Income tax isn’t worse than high cost of living areas like CA or NY. Some midwest states like KY are working on eliminating income tax entirely.  My gas bill in the winter is cheaper than my electric bill in the summer with AC.  Not sure where all these

There’s a reason the cars running in GT4 are factory prepared like this, as opposed to being a bunch of Supra street cars someone converted in their garage.

A good chunk of the US Congress would make it a requirement TO use an anti-semitic company for government contracting if they had their way

Bingo. Behind the scenes, Texas was actually the largest adopter of renewable energy in 2022 and generated 2.5x more renewable energy than California. But on paper they like to keep touting their “Fossil fuels or nothing! I ain’t no woke sissy boy!” adage because...Texas.  This will go to line the pockets of oil execs

Well Jezebel didn’t really contribute anything besides random articles gossiping about celebrities so at least...Jalopnik...should be...safe......shit

Who cares? Some people spend $1 million+ on a car that they never drive.  Why do we care how people spend their money in ways that doesn’t affect us?

Blue LEDs don’t output nearly enough UV energy to cause this IMO. Most are in the 420-465nm range with a bandwidth of around 30-50nm so you get very little energy in the <400nm range.  You may get some in the UVA range but definitely not UVB/C

This is like saying humans have the potential to kill so you should be afraid of everyone at all times.


For all the prospective advertisers out there

Youtubers are now pitching “Air Up”, a water bottle with a smell pod that does like a synesthesia thing

But they run stop signs sometimes and I have to try to not hit them with my 5,000 lb 8ft high truck cab that I can’t see shit out of! Now get out of my way I gotta blow through this red light and merge across 3 lanes to get on the on ramp and go 90 the whole way cause I’m late to pick up my son from soccer practice

G+O+D+B+L+E+S+S. 8 letters, 2 words. 8/2 = 4 letters per word average.

Uhh, I’m using the Gamepass version with mods...

Credit card purchases are already protected against fraud. That’s the whole point. You’re using the bank’s money to buy stuff so if there’s a fraudulent purchase they handle it.

Ex-X Executive Joins Exxon Team in Essex

Unfortunately there’s something weird about Disgaea games that makes it so people like, can’t even see that it exists.

The probability of unlocking a Gold 90+ player is just 5.6 percent, and some fans have spent $30 on the pack and not received any.

7 Pro already has macro focus so presumably the 8 Pro would keep it.  They mentioned it for the 8 because it would be a new feature outside the Pro models.

OK but now combine this with the Nemesis system from Shadow of War and boom. Now you’ve got a disgruntled shopkeeper missing an ear who will stop at nothing until the ends of time as a game mechanic