
The value you get with F1TV is absolutely worth it to me.  Access to all on-boards, all sessions, ability to watch old races, tech talks, F2, etc.  I share an account with someone else and have had zero issues with us both streaming at the same time so that cuts the cost in half too.

Five bucks says he spouts a few lines about how the complications of the American healthcare system require increased overhead and something about regulations and recouping research costs and then everyone nods and moves on with their lives.

They just....write it off

Hopefully they remembered to put it into car wash mode before detailing it and voiding his warranty completely

FWIW Apple TV has far more original series that I’m interested in than Hulu, Prime, Netflix, etc.

Google did not fire them for protesting, but how they protested.

The Company does not tolerate sexual or other unlawful harassment or discrimination by any employee, volunteer, vendor, contractor, consultant, customer or visitor.

Pro Tip: Just go in there Supermarket Sweep style and sprint from shelf to shelf while you grab stuff and they won’t be able to keep up so you get it for free!

Here’s a tip: If you wake up one day and are suddenly a billionaire, whatever you did was probably illegal.

It is just a collection of preexsting open source software neatly wrapped in a little package, You can make your own with freely available cheap hardware-

Depending on the BIOS you’re running there are also sometimes BIOS settings something to the effect of “This is a laptop that is plugged in all the time” and will adjust the charging rates from there.  I don’t know how much it helps though.  My biggest issue I run into is after I unplug from my dock I can never get my

Arby’s already has a happy hour menu too...which is literally the exact thing Wendy’s was proposing.

Conveniently no shots of the rear cargo space, because that hydrogen setup takes up pretty much the entirety of it.  And adding in the extra cost and complexity of the EV components just to get 29 miles of range out of it seems like a waste.  This ain’t it, Honda.

It’s only a “waste of time” because Apple refuses to add a “Close All” button the way Android does so it takes longer to have to swipe through all of them.  But anyone complaining that taking 5 seconds a day to take part in a generally good habit when dealing with electronics of any kind should re-evaluate their

only about 30-40 more of these price cuts and I can finally afford one

You can only operate at a loss for a few years before the IRS wises up and starts asking questions

Realtors are one of the more legit users of this - they actually DO drive their clients around all day looking at houses, not just commute to their office like most who did this.

From the picture in the article the official instructions from Tesla mention it DOES have a clear coat on it (which can get scratched).  So I don’t know how it’d be rusting if that were the case

Has Elon tried doing less stupid shit for journalists to write about?

It sounds like they had a long term exclusivity deal with one pharmaceutical company and now that that is expiring they’re free to sell to multiple companies now.  The data won’t be as valuable per person but it’s an opportunity for more revenue streams.  Quantity over quality