
Not like FFXV was any better in that regard.

The government wants to put microchips in our meters!

“giant piss babies” is also a group designation with negative connotations but I’m still allowed to say “Elon Musk is a Giant Piss Baby” without repercussions

You don’t even have to look forward into the future to spot the hypocrisy.  He ran entirely on the “lock her up” platform against Hillary AND strengthened the punishment for the very crime he’s being accused of.

FFXIV but with better non-MMO combat? Count me in

I’m not sure I understand the correlation here, so they’re saying if those 2900 people stayed alive and 1.1 million children went to school, it would result in a 30 billion dollar economic benefit?

Plus we’ve already established that most automakers are deemed “too big to fail” so they could literally just fold their arms and say they aren’t going to sell in Florida anymore, lose all that revenue, but then get bailed out by the federal govt anyway and come out OK.

They’ll no doubt have a constant stream of trolls and double agents to deal with if they start replacing mods. Wouldn’t be surprised if spez just decides to make himself Supreme Overmod and take over every subreddit on his own. Then he’ll have the constant shitstream of troll posts to deal with.

My gas cooktop can make pasta in 7 minutes and requires no counter space. My pressure cooker takes 20 min to get up to pressure, then another 7 min to cook, then X minutes to “release”.  It’s just as much of a pain to clean as the pot I would boil water in on my cooktop.  I’ve tried several times to like my InstantPot

Electrolux is hardly in much better financial shape

My instant pot takes like 20 min to get up to pressure, and then you have another 10-15 min of cooking, and then a 5-10 min “release”.  I’ve never seen them as a fast alternative to just about anything

But...just use a crock pot then

I’ve heard of “fake it till you make it” but wow

That Star Wars gameplay was rouuuggghhh.  I can tell it was being played with a controller but man it just looked slow and clunky.  And why in 2023 are companies still trying to show off “look, we have exploding barrels!” as an innovative gameplay feature?

I will slowly be deleting all pictures of me online

Has nothing to do with cost associated with the API. Reddit is prepping for an IPO and want their palty native app user numbers to look better. Nobody uses the official Reddit app because it’s garbage and instead rely on 3rd party apps where actual thoughtful development has occurred. When you’re trying to spin an

And yet here you are

Because these wheels were mistakenly fitted at the factory.  They’re approved for Chirons but not Chiron Super Sports.  They’re not aftermarket.

What, the addition of an on-screen keyboard isn’t enough for you?!  I also watched the trailer video and gleaned absolutely nothing about what this patch actually is.  Nothing looked different or particularly exciting.

It’ll be open world but the open world zones are just sections from Sonic Frontiers