
They had to because the design is not mature enough for them to get enough cost out to be able to sell a non-Pro variant without losing their shirt in the process.

They’ll work just fine on pavement...there’s more than enough torque available.  They’ll just shred your tires to shit in the process.

There’s no penalty high enough now that we’ve already deemed automakers like GM “too big to fail”.  Why care about fines when you can just hold your hand out and get a bail out

That’s....a lot of squatting

They read the wiki page they copied these from wrong. Should be Giant Pandas and Red Pandas and Aye-Ayes/Lemurs and Striped Possums

How many more noses to they have left to cut off?

I wouldn’t say that’s an apples to apples comparison. EVs still use the roads and infrastructure that these taxes are “supposed” to help maintain (I mean we all know they end up in the pockets of politicians’ buddies) whereas non-smokers/drinkers don’t require any infrastructure. I’d say it’s more akin to a cover

Imagine if they fought this hard to preserve women’s bodily autonomy.

The world isn’t black and white.  You’re allowed to applaud them for standing up for LGBTQ rights and supporting their employees and also criticize them for making their producers work during the writer’s strike. Or any number of things.

Imagine thinking it’s a flex to brag about how the largest employer in your state is in dire straits and that you’re attempting to make it worse

Alternative headline: “Apartheid-era slave labor emerald mine silver spoon manbaby wants world to hear his take on morality”

It’s barely a shooter, tbh. Yes you technically have to point a gun at enemies and fire at them in combat but the combat areas are sporadic and obvious due to the sudden abundance of short walls to use for cover, and you’re frequently pausing to issue commands to your team mates, using abilities, etc.  The non-combat

Casually forgot to mention how the devs completely fucked up the economy in that game, MULTIPLE times.

Potentially going to jail for 20 years for a wallet sponsorship lol

Two employees working 40 hrs a week

I don’t want to collect berries for 2 hours or run around the town looking for random npcs that i barely can find. I want to get into the story.

I just assumed their owners were totaling them as quickly as Dodge could pump them out, giving the illusion of high demand when it’s really just the same handful of dumbass customers

Nissan has been using the same platform for their Z models (and Infiniti) since 2001 and people STILL buy that shit.

Most MMO subscriptions are $13-15/month and a Destiny 2 Season is usually 3 months long. $4/mo seems perfectly reasonable to me.

I have no idea what the patch contains but textures make up a huge portion of a game’s file size along with music/audio and pre-rendered video scenes. If they made a change to the character models to fix an animation issue for example and that change affected the UV mapping then yes you would need new textures in