
Those hulking gas guzzlers have 28 gallon tanks and 500+ mile highway range. They don’t care.

I THINK it’s supposed to be a replacement for “Caught on film” or “I got it on film” but why not just say “I got it on camera”? Dumb

There are a few coins that do that (eg FoldingCoin from the creators of Folding@Home), they just aren’t popular or worth the energy vs the reward you get.

They forgot to iron the wrinkles before the promo shoot. 

Billionaires spending their money on ANYTHING instead of hording it like dragons is a win.  How many thousands of jobs have they funded as a result?

Being a subscription based product, why isn’t it just a flag in the user database to say “active subscription = true”?  The front facing webstore doesn’t need to generate any kind of software code, just flip the flag in the database. 

There are mods that do that. ArchitectureCraft, Carpenter’s Blocks, Better Logs, NoCubes, etc.

Just put aircraft transponders in everything. Badabing badaboom, problem solved!

*opens design optimization software*

FLOPS stands for FLoating-point Operations Per Second. The prefix Tera’ meaning a whole hell of a lot of them.

Have they ever heard of legionnaires disease?

Hypothesizing that repairs and overtime are going to easily exceed $900 million to the point that $1 billion is pocket change is laughable. How much do you think those excavator operators make?

Because DRL’s are frequently LED while headlights and taillights aren’t.  Leaving all the lights on all the time if they’re not LED is going to burn through them way more quickly.  When you consider the majority of people’s driving is done for their daily commute and the majority of those commutes happen during

2.5% discount...how generous

just depends on putting water on/across a layer of aluminum alloy

Reminds me of a Suzuki Kizashi

I’d say it’s entirely plausible that when you’re dealing with faster-than-light travel they could’ve easily gone one by one through the bottleneck and still arrived just fractions of a second after one another.  Even a ship that is several kilometers in length would only require a microsecond to cover that length at

How stiff is that Prius suspension gonna be to maintain that 0.250" wheel well gap?

Only thing that wasn’t clear was which drivers failed the breath test.

Blue had dibs on the winner of the first race.