
I couldn’t even conjure an image of an Infiniti, let alone an actual model.

Especially when “open world” just translates into “scavenger hunt for collectibles

Nissan’s look like the off-brand cars you find in video games that can’t be arsed to license the real deal

I was thinking more Event Horizon for Vader

You mean you don’t?

People rich enough to afford a $4400 fridge have enough money to have a dedicated wine/beer fridge with a clear door.  Nobody is showing off how fancy they are with their LG fridge and champagne sitting next to their pizza leftovers from the night before.

That’s just Cyberpunk

This will blow the Model S into the weeds in handling.

They were the new ones

They were the new ones

Except in both of those cases she would still be at fault.

That letter, which can be read in full here, claimed that sharing information about the checkpoints with the app’s users “is irresponsible since it only serves to aid impaired and intoxicated drivers to evade checkpoints and encourage reckless driving.”

I guarantee it’s just marketing buzzwords.  Like Tesla’s “Autopilot”

Why not just turn the normal U-shaped ones around? I never understood why the back of your neck would need support...there’s already a headrest there.

Why not just turn the normal U-shaped ones around? I never understood why the back of your neck would need

Just hope that home builders don’t figure this out. “Here we have a nice 4 bedroom Craftsman, though you’ll only get 3 bedrooms with the base model. You’ll have to pay an extra $40k for us to unlock the door for the 4th room”

As someone who works in the consumer products industry, being part of the same “company” rarely means much when your design teams are spread out across multiple locations and different platforms. Every designer has their own personal style, every product line manager has their own “must haves”.  You can get overall

Maybe you should’ve waited to read a review instead of pre-ordering...

The RPM difference when jumping gears is only bigger if you let it be bigger.  All you have to do is pause an extra second to let the RPMs drop a bit more before letting off the clutch.  When downshifting just blip a bit harder.  Yeah you might wear them a bit more if you’re learning the car but in the long run it

How much to idle it in a loop around the parking lot?

4300 lbs? What did this thing eat for breakfast?