
Are you allowed to differentiate between “Early model” and “Late model” if your volume is still in the 4 digits for your “mass produced” car?

I hope you never have to buy a car

How is the Model 3 doing right now?

Jack Daniels isn’t marketed to 13 year olds

The video game industry does it all the time with pre-orders

A bigger problem is that your contact patch with a sphere is much much smaller than with a cylinder. You’d need some very squishy spheres to maintain the same contact patch area and at that point whatever control mechanism you’re using to rotate/control them may not be able to work with such a deformable shape.

-4F to 149F doesn’t seem that great, does it? I’ve never formally measured the ambient temp in my car but living in the midwest I imagine it can easily drop below that at times and in the hot afternoon sun in the summer I’d guess it could hit close to the high as well

-4F to 149F doesn’t seem that great, does it? I’ve never formally measured the ambient temp in my car but living in

I love that “Civilization VI AI test” is a thing

and GM got a free $12 billion loan from the government, NBD.

If you’re hunting for performance in a 2-ton SUV maybe you deserve to be parted with your money on premium gas

IPOs are reaaaalllly reaaaalllly hard to get into unless you’re in stocks as a job. For your average Joe it’s basically out of the picture. Like Fidelity won’t even let you think about buying an IPO unless you have $500k in securities with them. And even then you have to have something like 100 trades a month and a

Errr....isn’t that how color works?