His Royal Daintiness

Here’s a couple good ones, have you seen these?

Dem sloped, hairy shoulders!

What is your coloring book? This is getting interesting. I bet its quite the chill vibe helper, filling in those colors.

I have a razor scooter! It’s an adult sized one. I love it! I had to buy two. I wanted it to scoot with my six-year old son, and he immediately decided he wanted to ride that instead of the classic little one, so I ordered another.

Ohhhhhh, sick burn! (And maybe stubble burn?)

I haven’t seen anyone name named this bad since Boutros Boutrosed Ghali.

“When they have titles like Pregnancies Alternatives, [clients] believe they are going to be given all of the alternatives.”

It’s religion lite.

But can you actually get money for bitcoins? Where the fuck can you even spend bitcoins? I’ve heard of them but I didn’t even know they were still a thing.

Eyebrows UNDER the single eye.

All I heard was “ass fuck.”

“feeling thermometer,”

Chicken livers, because liver lips.

Those eyebrows certainly are arresting.

Albeit. I said all-bite for a very long time.

Police found Bloss waiting near the car...

“Now the funniest Latin player I’ve ever seen, on a major league ball club...”

That’s a lotta romaine.

OPS+ 1 for using “inside baseball,” which I love.