His Royal Daintiness

I dig it too. Thumbs up for the flush rush.


Makes as much sense as the Stomboli. I mean, Porsche is German, right?

I’m pretty sure that’s a stromboli with a puddle of red sauce.

Lovin the smokey eye!

I am eager to see them peel back the layers on Sir Davos’s further adventures, but I’m afraid I will cry when GoT gets through with the poor guy.

Love that chicken? Looks like ribs are on the menu.

The first first Punisher movie:

so fly

You missed the final twist:

boring to you, maybe.

You can only decipher their chirps with a one-time lily pad.

I wanna see that infamous Michael Richards stand up slowed down.

That’s a good one. Probably gets a lot more play than my Dick pic:

Needs more mucus.

Looks kinda like a bad Tupac tattoo.

+1, you beautiful bastard

I don’t know how the Laundry is going to contain this one. Does this mean CASE NIGHTMARE GREEN is happening like next week? I recommend not buying any green bananas.

huh. I’d give it a shot.