His Royal Daintiness

best part of this photo

I just wanted to stop by and point out that Robin Thicke can be spoonerized to Throbbin Ick. Carry on, my friends.

+1 for ‘ran’do

  • The only thing that prevents you from getting any action is YOU.

You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don’t wanna know about it, believe me. Hell, I can get you a toe by 3 o’clock this afternoon... with nail polish.

He owes me money and said he’s not gonna pay me because of the moral damages

I’ll just leave this here

Non-face parts can also get involved.

Now playing

There may be other bodily materials in beards, however...

Yes, but to the untrained eye it’s hard to differentiate the “going to jail” look from “wanting to look like I was in jail” look.

My thought too. Internet at your own risk if you fear spoilers. Why do these delicate hothouse flowers need protection from plot points that have been around for years?

fixed that for ya

She ’s lady of a certain age hot. I like veins.

Dating for months, you want him to meet parents and he doesn’t want to - that’s bad. Family’s important if one actually wants to give a shit.

My wife only has one and it’s “special occasion.”

Does that left hand say "cunty"???

Being selected 1A by that old sonuvabitch Potter.