His Royal Daintiness


You must tell us or you are a horrible person.

No, already on the way down. Used to have sex w/ women IRL.

This makes me sad.

If the latter, I have an orgy about four times a week.

attacking computer gifs are some of my favorite gifs :)

Your comment is very catty. I should give you the finger.

The obvious takeaway here is that ANYONE would be better served doin' it with Mr. Janeway rather than Mr. Grey.

Be careful with whistles...

He's being defrauded in the boys' locker room.

Sex can still kill you. And I'm still pretty averse to getting aids even thou the drug cocktail forestall death.

God loves butt sluts.

Christian dad helping in the girl-on-girl scenario. That is some terrible porn.

Are these fleek eyebrows?

hmmm...I see.

I'm not anti-oreo. but I don't get the love.

you mean en pointe? Ballerina eyebrows? I'm more confused than ever...

Fuck McBroom. I love dem hoes.