
Yes. But can you eat it?

Really? Fight Club? Are you kidding me? How is that bloody science fiction?

This is a true gaming mouse.

Miller wrote and directed Pig in the City.

The ability to call the Kool Aid Man as my unstoppable minion. Break into a vault? Call Kool Aid. Bam hole the wall.

She danced again with synthetic legs

I am working on 3 new feature screenplays and slowly working on getting another one made with me as director. I can't say much about the film that I'm trying to take to the pipeline but it will be a very interesting film visually to the say the least.

Indeed they can learn much

Nothing can improve that trainwreck. I'm sorry.

I'm asserting it's the humber river valley that simply because I think that area still allows building below the flood plane.

I think that's out in the west end, near the humber river or around Old Mill

First there was "Damn Nature! You Scary!"

PLEASE. Let's not be absurd here. Finnegan's Wake would be a suppository.

It would teach them paranoia. I'm a little preoccupied with other things, so this is all I can come up with atm.

Thank you, sir, for taking this conversation in the most humorless, literal minded, dumbass direction that proves you either didn't read what he's talking about or you have no reading comprehension skills. At all.

Spit, gum, gumption and a prayer.


Obligatory response that if you were enough of a loser to own a gamegear in the first place I'm not surprised you flaunt as if it were an old war wound because that's the most positive experience you will ever get out of owning one of those brick sized pieces of shit.

Reminder: The Game Boy needed a shitload of batteries to run.