“I never get a question about this unless it’s to say, ‘By the way, why is this such a big issue?’” he said.
I haven’t heard anything about the abysmal rates of anti-trans violence and homicide in the news, which would be a great start. I think that, unless you know a trans person, it’s hard to really comprehend how dangerous being openly trans is.
Fo’ sho’. Unless specifically indicated, I don’t think an unretouched pic ever gets published in a magazine, but this photo looks particularly retouched (it’s a cool effect, just not, you know, reflective of reality). I’m also of the camp that, as sad as it is that there’s pressure to get plastic surgery to be…
I... don’t really get why everyone’s so stunned that she’s beautiful. I mean, she’s had a lot of plastic surgery, and the whole point of (cosmetic, facial) plastic surgery is that you can design how you look. No judgment about the decision to have the surgery, I just don’t really get the full-of-awe reaction. Unless…
no no no no no. What I mean is, there are so many fucking sexual harassment battles to fight, it’s hard to know where to start. Is it the sexist comments about wanting to fuck you in the pussy? The professor who will only make eye contact with your tits? Or the colleague who will only make eye contact with your tits?…
I’ve been there. My best advice for any woman in science in academia: pick your battles. For this woman, maybe this is her battle... but for many of us, this kind of thing is far from the worst instance of sexism we face. And, sadly, there’s only so much you can do without killing your career because you get a…
hahaha thank you! We’ll be checking our mailboxes. Next time I see a 6+-foot-tall box sitting on someone’s front porch, I’m diving in. And that sounds really nice—I’ve been thinking of moving thereabouts. First it was a plan to move to Scotland, but I think I might like Norway or Sweden, too. Only have vague ideas of…
Actually, the weather in Boston is almost identical to the weather in Stockholm today. From my travels in Russia and Scotland, I think the only thing we have over you is that our winter days aren’t as short. But there’s something crazy-amazing about the long summer days you guys get...
Fuck you, Sweden. You don’t get to have both three months’ paid paternity leave AND Alexander Skarsgaard. Time to choose.
I’m looking at the Edinburgh area specifically... any words of wisdom?
I’m looking to move to the UK and I’m finding it impossible to fathom how easy it is to get from the deep suburbs into the city.
So happy to read this article. I’ve been turned on by rape fantasies my whole life, but I’m also a rape victim, and that creates all kinds of fucked-up inner conflict. The more I read about other women with rape fantasies, the more I’m able to accept myself.
I’ve been the girl in the first case, and it always makes me sad (1) when I know that things that I’m “good” at scare other people away from me, (2) that people can’t see all the things that make me a human who needs other humans to love her, and (3) when people assume that being, e.g., really smart means that you’d…
I just want to hug her and tell her she’s beautiful and that life gets better.
Protip: Instead of answering password security questions with the actual information asked (e.g., mother’s maiden name), come up with arbitrary but memorable answers (favorite food? tears of sadness). In LastPass, at least, you can leave notes for each site... I save my “answers” there. Very helpful when you have…
Russian majors/minors FTW! (I'm a science writer, so no, I don't use it either ;) )
I love seeing how many celebrities don’t drink—I got sober at 24, and I’ve got this idea in my head that everyone else is partying all the time and having fun without me. Me, John Goodman, and Samuel L. Jackson will go have our own party.