
Look through any Gawker sites.  She’s made a whole lot of problematic comments, all which include her distancing herself from her African heritage.

She does deserve this feedback b/c what she is doing is employing a subtle anti black rhetoric, and she knows it, cause she’s done it several times now, that Asians and white and mestizo Latinos love to employ when they see us making gains for ourselves. Making us the problem, when who they need to save that energy

Actually, Black people were told to make their own and then when it happens there are complaints as though there are such a plethora of Black movies around. But don’t let that get in the way of you shitting on the very comments section you’re commenting in.

Well, as with the rocket attacks, it only escalated to that after they’d suffered far worse from the other side’s hand. So, invanz may be proven right by your conditions one day.

Only a matter of time until a jackbooted psycho in the employ of the U.S. Border Patrol murders a child.

Yeah you’re definitely right that she hasn’t proven herself to be eloquent on the subject. All broad census data is inherently skewed when it comes to race because [many reasons] so I don’t know how Afro-Latina women are accounted for. It probably depends on how they identify themselves within the strict, exclusive

I keep hollering it to anyone who will listen, this is the Reichstag fire of the Trump administration. He authorized lethal force for a reason, they will find a justification to use it, and then they will use the predicable fallout of US soldiers killing a unarmed brown person to split the nation, and in the political

Overall, I agree with you that Rodriguez’s main argument that Latinas are behind other women of color with regard to opportunity and pay. However, she’s shown she isn’t eloquent enough to effectively make this argument.

I’m glad to see Trump loves Netanyahu so much that he has to duplicate our very own Palestinian refugee problem here in the US! Just wait for the Predator drone strikes to kill migrant kids, and for bloody pictures of the US border to be filling the airwaves.

Aactually, the fact that sophia Vergara and Kerry Washington are probably the only 2 females on that list IS DIRECTLY RELATED TO RACISM. I’ve seen the big bang theory. That show is allergic to black people. I guess it’s hard to believe we are smart.

Well here we are.

Well, most of Gina’s whining ignores Black Latinas, who she never includes in anything. So there is that too. 

Big Bang Theory - no black characters.

What else pisses me off about Rebecca is her erasure of AfroLatinxs from the conversation. Full stop colorism and racism keeps black women from out earning Asians and non Afro-Latinas. And she needs to recognize her mediocre ass. Has she ignored mediocre singer/actress Jlo has gotten A-list status and $$ that much

She did the same thing around the time “Black Panther” was being released.

Oh, so, I wasn’t the only person that have noticed Gina’s need to speak up.

I would love to fill a Chump hotel with wildlife and let them at it- but I'm afraid Dumb and Dumber (Eric and Douche Jr) would try to slaughter them all.

Thank you! I was staring at that picture wondering why on earth the turkeys were being held in a nice hotel room. Makes absolutely no sense.

Putting turkeys in a hotel seems like an immensely stupid and unnecessary thing to do. 

Why the fuck would you put the turkeys in a hotel rooms? Turkey don’t want to be in a hotel they want to peck around some grass and find some bugs. I hate everything about him.