
Defunding the police isn’t about anarchy: it’s about justice and harm reduction. Cops are much more likely to be domestic abusers. They don’t do shit about sexual assault cases. Their unions refuse any sort of meaningful oversight and consequences for egregious professional behavior and they actively pass around bad

Police are rolling up on peaceful protests with tear gas. How aren’t they the enemy? And while protesters aren’t calling for anarchy, how is anarchy bad?

The phrase ‘Bad apple’ comes from ‘one bad apple spoils the bunch’ because the bad apple releases gas that make the others go bad.

I’ll let Chris Rock respond:

This was one of the best calls I’ve heard. So glad I got to hear more about this hero! I almost felt sorry for them getting the aggressive calls. But then I remembered the 600 people killed without accountability and now trying to re-enact 1960s Selma, Alabama.  

It was a brilliant speed driven declaration of filth and fury.   Loved it.

Hunter S Thompson raises a margarita in your direction somewhere out there, methinks.

Yea the root has become my go to since my friend group is about 80% white. While we all agree blackface is NEVER ok, its helpful to find the words from those who are affected by it.

People are confusing “didn’t stop to think about whether or not is was wrong” and “didn’t know it was wrong.” The only reason they could be confused on the issue of blackface is because it didn’t matter to them. White supremacy doesn’t require animus, it just requires constant elevating of themselves (doing it for

ikr... idk where she gets off thinking her opinion on black face matters. as a self admitted blonde white woman.

No. She is white. White hispanics are real. You don’t get to claim to be a person of color and also be a blonde white woman who has a hispanic sounding last name and maybe speaks Spanish. Passing privilege is one thing, but it is an entirely different if you’re just a fucking fancy white person. FFS next we’ll have

a freaking burner account claiming to be a liberal woc making excuses for already has close to 400 stars.... I don’t even know what this world is anymore.

I love that the top comment is a white woman passing this over because she, personally, is tired of it. Because she totally speaks for the black people who’re tired of white people acting like this shit is okay and just in the past. FFS I’m so sick of white people acting like they’re our allies and friends when they

Also, who gives a shit about intent?

The lack of self-awareness is simultaneously disgusting and completely and utterly not shocking in the least.

Because people can lie about their intent when they get caught. That’s why “in my heart, I’m not a racist” is bullshit. I don’t care what’s in your heart or mind. You did something racist. Accept and know that and got from there.

Because the second you stop dismissing intent, then racist assholes will all immediately parrot whatever excuse you’ve decided to accept for blackface. This is one of those things that yes, there is 100% a hard and fast rule of NO on.

Kimmel strikes me as the kind of person who has no values or morals of their own and will just do whatever to make a buck. When Howard Stern style shock-jocks were all the rage, that’s what he was. When he realized he could make more money through lowest common denominator misogynistic trash he jumped into The Man

I still think his inner asshole shines through with his “Hey parents, I’ll put you on TV if you act like a jerk to your kids and make them cry” schtick. They parents are willingly putting themselves out there but every time I see those I feel bad for the little kids. 

is it so hard for people to say, ‘hey i screwed up, i once did X, im an asshole for it, and very sorry. I wouldnt think of doing this ever again, judge me as you will.’

Kimmel also appeared in blackface on the Man Show to impersonate Oprah. Kimmel did a lot of racist, misogynistic shit back in the day in order to get rich & famous and, once he did so, he suddenly (& conveniently) found his moral compass.