
It’s been way too long since he rapped at us!


Those vacuums’ll take your dick right off. You don’t wanna have sex with them.

Fuck, I miss Jim Anchower. I wonder what he’s up to these days?

Bands that are a pain in the dick to search for, in no particular order:

The graphic designer at the NFL who came up with that memo-document-image template should be suspended from the graphic design profession for the rest of his life.

If he’d only knocked a woman unconscious instead, they’d have him back in a month at worst.

I hate my alma mater for thinking it needs to be, or is even capable of being, a good football team.

SchiaYES, please!

He does have the complete package.

Leading candidate for next manager 

I weirdly needed this Jamboroo right now. I went to New Orleans for the first time the weekend before last (for work) and immediately realized that, with my dislike of humidity, crowds, loud noise, and seafood, it was gonna be maybe not the party paradise I hoped for. But I went to a Mardi Gras float factory and ate

5 Throwgasms for a Lions game? Unless they’re bringing back Barry Sanders and unmasking former fan ZODIAC MOTHERFUCKER I don’t see it.

I know you don’t like this but if it was a woman would you have included the link to the actual nudity?  This guy should get the same consideration. 

Thought you get mad for sites posting people’s non consenting nudes.

Most of my friends have gotten married in their 30s, and nearly all of them have done it on the mega cheap, usually having the ceremony in a public park, and then renting out a restaurant for dinner. It’s the people who get married in their 20s that use all of their friends and parents’ money up. Maybe it’s because

Split the difference and get them a gift from the gift shop of the destination airport.  Who doesn’t need another refrigerator magnet?

If the wedding is out of state for you while it’s a family member’s home state I say a gift is fine, within that year stretch as well. If said family member makes you travel to Hawaii or Paris as the wedding destination, fuck their presents. I’m indifferent with friends and wedding gifts, I feel like friends should be

An ex of mine swears that he saw a guy fisting his girlfriend in the crowd at a DMB show. A filling experience, if not fulfilling. YKINMK(ATO).