Kragen O'Reilly of the Autozone

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Six-inning games in minor league stadiums with all the chaos and carnival goofery of the minors. Also, make the Giants and Dodgers switch cities just to piss Giants fans off.

This youtuber is remaking Minecraft on a computer he built in Minecraft.

Yeah, I’m having a hard time believing it was actually gag inducing. It def looked decent until the pizza-ing, but it probably just tasted like a shitty Chili’s app. Dude’s acting like he just ate the hand off a medical cadaver.

I graduated high school in 98' which pretty much marked the end of my watching MTV days, but I have no recollection of this band. Stoked about everyone in the comments excited about the Haden-folk though. Hell of a family.

Today sucks ass, but goddamn am I remembering some guys. 

Just had it for lunch. Better than Chick-fil-a, but not as good as the po boy it displaced. 

20 years of realizing the season has started and wondering what the Ravens are like this season, then seeing a handful of box scores that are like 8-2. Every year they make the playoffs by boring the other teams to death. It’s like the 90s Chiefs in that they only succeed to be a banana peel for interesting teams to

Hooting and taking pulls from a bottle of carpet cleaner as I skywrite “Mariners Slugger Jay Buhner” over the Space Needle in a stolen Horizon Air Dash 8.

Ryan Murphy is the Drake of TV. Produce and distribute every single idea you have no matter how mundane, stupid, or awful it is. His shows aren’t even junk food. They’re styrofoam packing peanuts. I never thought I’d long for the salad days of a hack like David E. Kelley, but here we are.

Love to see the company that calls me when aircraft are missing or have an ELT transmitting sponsors a soccer team. Normal world.

This looks dope, but for chrissake stop hiring TJ Miller. He’s not even an effectively obnoxious foil anymore. He’s just a bellowing oaf. It’s like having a bullhorn in every scene for no reason.

So stoked about this sandwich. One of the only good things about working twelve miles away from home is that this stupid ol’ airport is at least close to a Popeye’s. And yes, I realize twelve miles is not a long commute (even considering that I bike to work), but I refuse to let the ubiquity of of suburbs and the

He’s basically Ellen Burstyn in Requiem for a Dream, just out there with his despondent-child-in-a-supermarket posture aimlessly wandering and muttering “I’m gonna be on television” over and over.

*staring at the title “Los Ageless” and groaning for two straight years* Good evening, Safeway shoppers. Will the owner of a store-brand Tori Amos please pick her up at the customer service desk?

Right!? Love the idea that anyone who doesn’t dress up in a full body Starfox suit or staple their scrotum to their leg to get off just hasn’t found some other dumbass thing to do. Like do what feels good I guess, but most of this fetish shit is tedious as hell. Did people watch Hellraiser and seriously be like “ya

Once again: cool, cool, cool, cool, “roguelike,” FUCK. 

I came here for one thing: a recommendation where I can find those packets of urn cleaner they use in commercial applications so I can finally recapture some of the volume in my four year old travel mug.