Kragen O'Reilly of the Autozone

This is why cold weather is so much better than hot weather. Blankets, coats, etc. almost always work and the result is almost instant. Trying to cool off is like threading a needle with a hotdog.

The number of grandpas in here caterwauling about adults wearing any costume at all on Halloween is just... oof. Yes, because we saw a drunken idiot doing Wolverine’s berserker in an Applebee’s once we must all instead wear tan Jos. A. Bank suits and talk about World War II.

Bear Friday FOREVER!

Lifestyle Blog. Lifestyle Blog........ Lifestyle Blog?

Isolated incidents aside, the scene is on a nice 25-year Nazi-free run.

“One of my biggest concerns in my career is just to figure out how to exit gracefully,” I intone darkly as I poop out my second 35-track double album in a year.

Or the sequel that’s actually just a misinterpretation of a dumb title. Like when my local theater’s answering machine called Cradle 2 the Grave... Cradle 2: The Grave. 

Also, the Deadspin policy of using only the most Homer-Simpson-File-Photo-esque pics for loudmouth oafs is the best thing on the internet. There is no Gruden but Havasu Gruden. 

Please let me make millions of dollars to coach in the NFL so when I’m asked about my poor performance I can answer as if looking up from my game of NES Play Action Football with gob full of half-chewed plain Lays and mumble “I dunno. Maybe I should pick blitz more.”

Wait what? Period dramas are pretty much universally well-regarded. Atonement and The Imitation Game were both nominated for best picture and Knightley got a best actress nod for Pride and Prejudice. Even outside of stuffy critics’ circles she was nominated for a People’s Choice Award for The Duchess. The need for

It’d be cool to see a reconsideration like this for RA Lafferty.

Notwithstanding our chill and generally pleasant A’s fans (all 213 of them), living in CA anywhere north of Paso Robles makes baseball season pretty unbearable and I can think of no better avatar for this sea of hooting “even year” goobers than their extremely nude and red FORDTRUCKMAN.

Again, understand where you’re flying. Even if this person was at an acceptable 400', there’s a good chance they’re in FLL’s Class C airspace. If this flight was legit and had an Airspace Authorization and a NOTAM, then it’s legal. But even after the rollout of LAANC the number of UAS operators flying around my

Escape to the House of Mummies, Pt. 2” is a monument to throwaway jokes. I want to watch James Lipton drone on about it for hours. “We have more bullets, ya know. You gotta stop doin’ that.”

Remember that scene in Scream when Carmen Electra is running from the...uh...Scream Person? Anyhow, she comes across a table atop which sits a gun, a knife, and a banana. She, of course, picks up the banana. And that’s how America picks its icons. 

*sees article’s been posted for 57 minutes, whispers* Red Dad Redemption?

Here in Sacramento there’s a blog/social club called Girls on the Grid that’s a spiritual sibling to this. It’s constantly posting shit like “How to finance that second home” as we face one of the worst housing crises in the nation. Even better, they host a Most Eligible Bachelor/Bachelorette ball every year and it’s

This is akin to those stories where a person in a long-held position is found to have lied about their degree or experience and gets fired. If the work is getting done and things are good, who fucking cares? Like who legitimately thinks “we were teetering on the edge of disaster because this demonstrably capable

Seems like a good time to throw out a reminder that the cackling shitheads behind the “Hold Your Wee For A Wii” contest that killed a woman faced almost no repercussions and were subsequently hired without incident at other radio stations. The entire “tellin’ it like it is” genre needs to be stuffed into Elon Musk’s

Fans have endured barren cards in places like Utica and Singapore while waiting for this genuine superfight!”