
Look at his dumb face.

Goodbye, Johnny Depp, and best of luck as you enter the Desert of the Formerly Glorified. Mel Gibson is on the welcoming committee, he’ll be your guide during orientation.

I really hope people will get wise to Depp’s nasty man-child, faux-artist, try-hard, pseudo-intellectual, but I’m so very DEEP, darling bullshit soon.

I feel really terrible about how I first reacted to her and realized that I have a lot of internalized misogyny. She didn’t deserve this treatment and people have no idea how hard it is to come forward about your wealthy and powerful husband with international fame abusing you. This has shown me that attitudes about

Has Johnny Depp always been gross, but we just didn’t notice, or did he become gross recently? Gross.

Well Beiber is a massive dick!

Jeremy’s car,

It’s self-aggrandizement because he can say Hey guys, ever wonder why my son is so successful with ladies (proceeds to pull down pants)? It's really weird and is akin to Trump's suggestions that his daughter is hot and if she wasn't his daughter, he'd probably fuck her. Men, some are gross and the rest seem

Ooh, let me just skip on over to the living-wage job tree and pick another. Because we all have a whole fucking job-tree orchard to harvest from.

Exactly. Given the state of Rio and its dirty water and broken dreams, there will probably be lots of plastic bags in the audience needing some encouragement.

Right, Katy has songs like Firework about how even a plastic bag can achieve its dreams.

This is better than the entire second season of Kimmy Schmidt.

Okay, I’m not the only one thinking, ‘yeah, this is called Wednesday night dinner ...’ Anytime my family had spaghetti and garlic toast it became a sandwich.

Fried spaghetti sandwiches were pretty much a weekend staple in my house growing up. I haven’t had it in years, but I’d be willing to try it again with cheese... for science.

Perfection. Well done Jezebel, well done.

About halfway through this, the abyss began to gaze back at me.

Looks like they might be...

jia, i miss you already and to show my support i have taken my parents’ login for subscribed to the new yorker.

More for the rest of us, gurl!