
Remarkably, yesterday was the Mooch’s official start date. Also, even more remarkably, he was fired barely 2 weeks ago, but, in Trump-adjusted terms, it was like 6 years, one nuclear threat, one Venezuelan-war threat and one KKK/Nazi-promotion ago.

You are my hero and I love you.

The graphic omits —> Are you referring to Beyoncé’s postpartum body? —> YES (apparently)

And there are worse “complements” out there, one joyful day a coworker told me that I had beautiful feet (I was wearing sandals), then he added “I have a foot fetish, I love looking yours” then he complemented with a “today is my wife’s birthday and I do not know what to give to her”.

Iggy Azalea and Azealia Banks

Putin will bring menstruating women with him into a meeting to scare Trump.



I call ThornyDick

Scott Disick. Bella Thorne.

Give him a break, he looks pretty good for a lard infused bag of crazy with progressive dementia.

Deadpool turned down Trump!

I had a group of friends in the late 90s (all black guys—this is relevant) who used to drive every other weekend from Sacramento to fucking Medford, Oregon, to go to an under 21 nightclub (I don’t remember if the minimum age was 18 or 16, but I think 18). When I inquired as to why in the fuck they would drive like 5

The most logical conclusion to which I arrived is that they recognize that facial recognition is A Thing and that pictures on the Internet never go away, so by hiding their faces they can hopefully prevent embarrassing questions in future job interviews.

Just me or... ?

Methinks Vin doth protest too much.

She is terrible. She’s a beard for bigotry.

I fucking can’t stand her. Watch her like a damn hawk for the next 4 years.

I’m picturing Trump intently listening to School House Rock

Pardon a turkey.