
She isn't saying anything illogical but she fails to mention that in order for her to be able to get up and work out and go on two hour lunches with her friends to have her me time, there is probably a team of nannies caring for North so she can do those things. She's crediting being organized, and I'm sure with

Police: Can you describe the robber?

It pisses me off when celebs think they can do it better than anyone else. Brad Pitt becoming a furniture designer; ALL of them with their perfumes and fashion lines. The supermodel trying to win an Oscar, the rockstar who thinks he's the next Jackson Pollock. People spend years training and perfecting their craft

That baby seized the opportunity to make the moment his. He completely dominated the tub. All eyes were on him, and the viewing audience is going to vote him on to the next round.

Right, and gluten causes autism right?

So does that mean my hair is pre-grey and I'm pre-married and pre-pregnant and CURRENTLY VERY CONFUSED.

Oh, color me SHOCKED and AWED! How could anyone predict forcing a 6-year-old into dubious reality TV "stardom" and training her to perform on command like a trained monkey while depriving her of privacy, normalcy, and age-appropriate developmental support could've possibly resulted in a fucked up miserable kid?

This is probably my favorite photo from this shoot. Yowza, get 'em girl:

Alana's an 8 year old reality TV star. I'm not sure we should be critiquing her behavior as much as the adults around her.

What an opportunity for Lohan's understudy.

I actually kinda feel sorry for Kim (I shouldn't 'cause she's a gazillionaire) because you know she's just DYING to dress that baby up in some more fun clothes, but Kanye–recently appointed head of both the Fashion Police and the No Fun Committee– will only allow neutral colors :(

"Presumably he'll just throw a check addressed to Poseidon off the side of his giant yacht..."

Especially when you're not good at anything.

Rufus Wainwright! Swoon.

River Rose sounds like a tribute to River Tam and Rebecca Rose.

Now playing

What plays in my head every time I see the word "Dame" used in a sentence.

More band names - Out of Control, Jealous of Angie, Bruce Moved Out,

I agree with you one hundred percent.
