
But the news items you listed in your first post - those aren't sensationalist in and of themselves, they're pretty major happenings. Avoiding biases in the media is important, but so is knowing what's going on in the world. The things other people are mentioning on other threads are pop culture stuff, not hard news.

The last time a black guy was on the cover of Vogue (2008) it didn't go so well. Progress?

My toes are available for sucking.

Looks like the employee benefits aren't the only thing that suck at WalMart.

This story really put into perspective the creepy things that women have to deal with and worry about. As a man, the concept of a woman badgering me or breaking into my house to suck on my toes is so foreign. I feel for you, ladies.

I'll give you the perfume and the cell phone, but folks that come to the gym and talk while on the machines don't bother me, as long as they aren't yelling or anything.

I am ashamed to say that I like "Think Like a Man." I am aware of how that makes me look, I will probably feel the same way about "The Other Woman." Maybe I'll treat it like that awful "Miami Vice" reboot with Jamie Foxx and Colin "I can't act" Farrell and just bring my flask, with no shame.

The only time I cared was when the guy next to me (came after I was all ready running) smelled like whiskey, vomit, and cigarettes. It was like he rolled into the gym at 5 AM on accident after spending the night at the bar up the street. I goto one of those stripped down 24 places - love it. It's cheap, not

Am I the only one who couldn't give a fuck what other people are doing when I'm at the gym working out? Do people really give a shit about what someone else has on?

I had this exact conversation with my co-worker Ted this morning. I hit every single one on the list. Suh-weet!

For me, depression wasn't triggered by just one thing, and my suicide attempt wasn't either. It was a slow, steady descent into hopelessness. A truly horrible fight with my abusive boyfriend at the time was the last straw, sure, but it wasn't the sole cause. And the fight wasn't what motivated me to do what I did. The

An enterprising angel at Buzzfeed has created a series of .gifs depicting the exact moment that Zac Efron learned about Lindsay Lohan's Celebrity Sexual Conquest List, which he was on (although his name was spelled "Zack Effron"). A picture is worth 1,000 words, but a .gif is worth unknown multitudes.

This makes my heart sad, as I found her to be one of the most talented hybrids in the industry whose high profile was deserved in spite of the fact that a good chunk of it was because of who she dated.

I agree that he has to decide to get the proper treatment. It's a monumentally hard thing to decide to do, even when you have money and access to treatment. He has to change ingrained behaviors that have actually been encouraged in him all his life, as opposed to some people who have had parents and people around them

You haven't mentioned whether you have a mental illness (and it's certainly your right to not mention it), but you do have to understand that some people with Bipolar and PTSD are not in control of their actions. Manic and hypomanic episodes do sometimes lead to uncontrollable behavior, and it is in the best interest

I had promised myself I wasn't going to become a swooning Mark Shrayber fan girl, but goddammit, here you are with a Ghostwriter reference! I'm down for the count.

I can't tell if Woody looks creeped out or aroused in this picture. Either way, <i>I'm</i> creeped out.

I bet that audience member was just bitter about the experience of being an audience member and decided to be a jerk. I made the mistake of going to a taping of That 70's Show many, many moons ago, when I was young and naive and didn't realize that being at an audience taping is THE LIVING WORST. You can't leave.