
"but he does compare the sexual imagery in his work to that of Robert Mapplethorpe and Helmut Newton"

We can't because they've given us reason not to trust them.

Right? I fucking resent the fact that whenever I see a police officer, I feel afraid rather than protected. The RCMP came to my house once canvassing for witnesses or some shit. I refused to let them in the door and they started getting all suspicious and hostile and saying I must have something to hide and I had to

I've considered whether or not I would even stop. Legally I have always understood that I have the right to drive somewhere "safe" before pulling over. In my mind I would call 911 to report that I am driving somewhere safe and to ask that they let the officer know so he doesn't try something crazy to get me to pull

The last time I was pulled over, I slowed down with flashers on and pulled into the bank drive through.

Kookla has been here for a long time and I'm pretty sure she's POC.

After responding to a DV call. Just when I thought people couldn't get any more fucking vile.

Just...fuck...fuck everything about this. Fuck him, fuck that gunshow, fuck all twenty people who got his autograph, fuck 'em all.

Hairless and not having to use moisturizer? I'm 25 and have a MASSIVE break out on my chin AND on my temples and I've been shaving my arms for 10 years. Fucking seriously.

We go together so we can complain about you.

  • Plucking stray chin/sideburn/god knows where else hairs

If I kissed Miley, would that be like kissing Liam? Because I am up for that.

Ah yes, but a Jonas tongue back then was a pure as the morning snow is white. So nothing to fear there.

Team Twirl!

I want this video on a t-shirt! Can someone invent that?