
He’s more diverse than the Oscars. Orange, blue, red and whatever color you wanna call that toupee.

OMFG I wanna tongue kiss Howard Dean. I thought I was the only one with the cocaine theory.

I am so glad for Heard that it is over. I know firsthand what it’s like to live with someone who is self destructive and unpredictable. I was really young at the time and lucky enough to get out of Dodge before any damage was done. That video of Depp stumbling around the house slamming cabinets and pissed from wine so

If that was my brother in dick pics, my dad would have a (private) talking to about respecting yourself and your body and not being a literal dick. Biebs dad is overcompensating over the fact that he was a deadbeat dad until his sperm hit it big. Show business is the worst for kids. I haz the sads.

Oh snap! I don’t even watch The Bachelor(ettes?) but that Jordan Rogers bit was 100% shade. Well done!

That cat definitely looks like Seth Green. The rest of these trashy rags aren’t fit for kitty litter! I laughed my ass off at this Midweek Madness. George Clooney does have the juicest goss!!!

So, Lindsay is pregnant and drinking water which is gooooooood ....... *backing out of room slowly*

This Midweek Madness is a cruel lesson in “leaving them wanting more.”

I remember a time when I looked forward to hearing Kanye’s newest single. I would love to hear what he thinks about Black Lives Matter, Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, Baton Rouge/Dallas PD. Instead he’s just releasing speaker phone calls and bickering with a 20-something year old white girl, while depicting

Fatal Misunderstanding = Heads Will Roll x Heads Literally Rolling

Dude. Get out of my head!

Yeah. I don’t know where you grew up, but when I was little, we used to make spaghetti sandwiches. This grilled cheese angle just kicked it up a whole ‘nother level.

“Bernie needs to get that finger out ma face.” — Hillary Clinton

DAYUM!! I guess Brarina? Cooyk? Bradshayk? is officially done. (Sorry, I have no clue what they’re couple moniker is) Also, do I spy a Cumberpatch?

Look, I’m trying to get through life not being jealous of people. But that ring makes me green. I know, I know. So materialistic. But there is a reason they have that saying, “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend.” I wanna rock a rock like that in my next life.

I have! I had a friend who was one for a pro basketball team. They were all such mean girls and would do things to sabotage each other. Really twisted mentality and arrested development!!

All of my sisters were cheerleaders. And I agree with your statement. They all peaked in high school too! *evil laughter*

It’s like Calvin Harris found my diary when I was 13 years old and made it into a song! But seriously, who is he gonna get to sing this? Rita Ora? Oh wait, he trashed her when they broke up too. I’m starting to see a pattern here and I ain’t talking about Swift.

There are stories about politics. Old celebrities. Young celebrities. Dead celebrities. F-list celebrities. A-list celebrities. There are ads for Charlie Brown figurines and John Wayne jackets and bathtubs optimized for senior citizens.

The best part of Keonna’s exclusive interview with Us Weekly is how many times she talks about her successful cheerleading “career” versus his big man on campus on the basketball team. You see, ladies, this is what happens when you peak in high school. Girl, sit down.