I don’t even watch Grey’s Anatomy and now I think I will become it’s #1 fan. I cannot believe how ridiculous people are over a speech at an awards show. Maybe the truth really does hurt.
I honestly can’t stand JT. Especially when he came out with that Suit&Tie and trying way too hard to get his honorary hood pass by collaborating with Jay Z for a minute. I did love Beyonce’s opening performance with Kendrick Lamar showing Kanye how you can rap about more relevant issues than being famous or fucking…
I only have basic cable, so this is my first time watching Jesse’s speech. I really wish social media and the media hadn’t made it all about Justin Timberlake. All I see are headlines about JT, while the original message is pushed aside so a bunch of mouth breathing online commenters can turn this back into how black…
Did Prince’s suicide note begun with, “Dearly Beloved,” and was his signature a symbol?
Yeah. No.
You do realize here in California, good looking men are a dime a dozen and most of them are not felons? I mean he’s okay, looking and all, but just like the hot guys whose probation paperwork I have to process, yeah. No. That tear is a deal breaker as well.
I’ve been a Gawker Media commenter back when it was Defamer and I’ve even won a comment contest or two *notsohumblebrag*. I was working at some dreary job in windowless drudgery back then and that snarky-assed website was all I had to get through the day and it was glorious. Like old timey movies before sound. Cars…
Way ahead of ya, buddy. I’ve been ignoring Piers for yeeeeeeeears.
I mean, he’s got good skills, but he looks like he’s 12 years old.
Oh damn. Is that what I look like sometimes?
Oh, Honey. Daddy got a glam squad to clean Junior up. A nice haircut and a tailored suit. A really expensive lawyer who hired a coach to help Junior deal with the pointed questions from the prosecution. Try to work on not having that “deer in the headlight because you got caught raping” face. This original mugshot…
Yep. That’s the guilty look of a rapist. Well done, mugshot photographer.
After seeing this man perform the splits 27 times in a row, jump off 30 foot risers in high heels and simulate sex in a bed alone and make it look like there were two people, I can only say that at 57 years old, those hips and ankles must have been a billion times worse than my lower back from dancing to his music for…
I know there is no real solution. Animals are being slaughtered or held in captivity or abused to manufacture food. But I always got the skeeves, even as a kid to go a zoo or circus or just see these sad animals where people stand around and stare and yell at them. It traumatized me. I don’t support anything that uses…
I do agree with you. I saw that piddly assed fence and I thought to myself, “This is the first time a kid fell into that moat?” One busy mom, one curious kid, one split second.
Why not raise them in their own natural habitat then? I just can’t stand to see an animal in captivity. I used to work in animal rescue once upon a time, it’s not natural and it’s not right.
Love you!
I don’t usually like to talk about my personal business, but I have an ex from years ago, that is exactly like Amber Heard describes Depp. He was a verbally abusive, drunken, paranoid cokehead that stuck his dick in anything that was wet and made me feel so bad about myself. I didn’t let his or my family know what a…
Called it. I said what about when he busted his hand while filming Pirates, but the injury occurred OFF SET??? I wish I knew how to insert one of those gifs of Angela Lansbury solving a crime or something.