
I don’t support zoos, horse races, sea parks, circuses, bullfighting or anything where animals are abused and tortured for entertainment purposes. All of these people going to gawk at a gorilla and then freak out when a human falls into the cage and the gorilla behaves like a gorilla. I find it disgusting that in this

All of his friends coming to his defense are just making this seem more suspect. It is very obvious from the time he broke up with Paradis then married Heard, Depp began using heavily again, There is tons of evidence in his most recent TV appearances and photos. Why are people so surprised that Depp may have relapsed,

No words. Just genuine tears of respect for such a selfless act.

I think everyone needs to air out their genitals a bit between relationships. All their fuck parts must be worn out by now. Maybe all these celebrities get a group discount on Valtrex. Sorry. Don’t mind me. I’ve had a long day working at my government job with a bunch of us ugly poor people who have sex lives more

Whew. You know when there’s that one person in the room who says the emperor has no clothes? You just provided that moment for me here. I don’t care how naked this guy gets, he is just not ringing any bells for me.


Welcome to the future, America. I am so ready to get off this planet.

Not gonna lie. Had a shit day at work. Stuck in training all day with a shrew of an instructor. Found out my car maintenance was gonna be 400 bones. Awesome to spend that much money around tax time. And then this headline popped up on my cellphone and I lost my shit. Thanks for the laugh. I needed it.

Just let me get this straight. Because people don’t like who Aaron Carter is voting for, Aaron Carter decides he’s not gonna vote? No wonder Trump loves the poorly educated. (His words, not mine)

Yep. You nailed it. Kanye said the most disgusting things right after Kim’s sister Khloe slut shamed Amber Rose relentlessly. That wasn’t that long ago. Kanye is still slapping the mic out of Taylor’s hands. Kim is only empowering herself and she can only do it by posting old photos of her old body. They’re all a

You’re right! My bad, it was a Golden Globes. But what irony, Jolie was nominated for an NAACP Image Award for her performance. So there’s that. I’m sorry, I’m not really up on awards and all that backpatting bullshit.

I think because in casting a film, first comes a big name, second is talent and third, let’s just throw a nappy wig and makeup and get the accent right. Of course Marianne Pearl agreed to Jolie playing her, because no one else cared about or would have made the film without her. Maybe the filmmaker cast Zoe Saldana

My point exactly. I just feel all this outrage before anyone sees the film and like Mighty Heart, it will be long forgotten until we move on to outrage about the next color blind casting choice. Just another day in Hollywood.

Where was the outrage when Angelina Jolie did this Rachel Dolezai impersonation in “A Mighty Heart?” I mean, I know there were a few of us that were like WTF, but she was nominated for a fucking OSCAR. I generally reserve my outrage for Hollywood films because they are usually tone deaf when it comes to people of

I wasn’t saying it was about African-Americans. I was talking more about diversity. But you go ahead and project your narrowminded opinions on anyone who doesn’t fit into your “big world” narrative. And if you care so much about important things, then don’t waste your energy in the comment sections of “smaller” issues.

Expect more of this whitewashing of television and less diversity, especially if a Republican wins. (Don’t want to say who because I’m trying to stay positive)

Wow. I have never heard such a succinct statement that captures the perspective from both sides and place the blame on the real problem, the lack of funds to properly train and equip officers while causing the few good officers who want to serve and protect no other recourse but to quit or conform with the rest of the

I’m so exhausted from fighting with my supervisor and HR/Union over the fact that my supervisor will not allow us to take our legally required breaks, so I’m truly grateful for this PSA at this particular time. I’m gonna print this out and leave it in the break room at work (if anyone gets a fucking chance to use it


I’ve discovered my husband uses his side of the couch as a trash can. Popsicle sticks, toothpicks, tissues, Skittles. Meanwhile, one time I found a fig newton on my side. I wondered where that went.