Yep. He was a cheating piece of shit and she never went into details about their breakup, but it can’t be coincidental that all of his relationships end violently. Puck quacks like a duck to me!
Yep. He was a cheating piece of shit and she never went into details about their breakup, but it can’t be coincidental that all of his relationships end violently. Puck quacks like a duck to me!
More like Wheezus.
Those reports of sexual battery and assaulting his girlfriend are not new and were quietly settled, but I’ve been side-eyeing Puck for several years now. Everyone was calling Naya Rivera “crazy” when she egged and trashed his car. While she was labeled as a bitter ex and psycho stalker, no one ever thought it had…
There have been plenty of reports of his behavior on the set of Glee and abuse of his girlfriends. He’s a piece of shit, but only now has it come to light how deep his shit really is.
I’m still not sure how to feel about Gwelton. I’m still processing it all and this GIF is not helping....
I couldn’t imagine standing up and trying to make sense after a heady moment like winning an Oscar. The fact that Arquette said anything on the stage and in the pressroom that brought attention to the wage gap was more like a touchdown dance a football player makes and the locker room hyperbole afterwards. The fact…
I’ve always made it a point to avoid these types of videos, but then I thought of all the mothers who lay awake at night wondering if their sons will come home, the women who wait by the phone to hear their husbands or boyfriends on the other end of the line, my family waiting to get that phone call that my brother…
Don’t you love these shows where the detectives only have one case they spend the entire season on? Not to mention, Jeremy Sisto looked so embarrassed the entire time to be part of this campy mess. I also found Westwick’s accent distracting. Not as bad as Colin Farrell in True Detective 2, which was…
As someone who loves garbage TV as much as the next guy, this show was never going to make it on basic cable. They were going for a “Dexter” vibe and it landed with a colossal thud. The potential was there, but the dialogue was so hokey. Maybe we will be able to catch the unaired episodes on Hulu some time down the…
Same here. Government job and union reps. Refuse to seek any assistance. Just desperately looking for something, anything to get out of Dodge. Wish you the best of luck and pray the employment Gods are kind to us in 2016. Or sooner. Sooner would be great.
I’m usually not ashamed to admit what I watch on TV, but that show is in a special category of “I was channel surfing and it just so happened to be on.”
One of my favorite “I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant” episodes had a voiceover where the woman described her surprise childbirth by uttering the words, “I looked down and there was a baby in my pants.”
Right? I mean he doesn’t even let Squidward’s hater attitude get him down!! Now I feel like watching a SpongeBob marathon!
Your video sounds much more interesting than any of the product placement and name dropping in the Kardashians shameful display of nouveau riche, bourgeois vapidity.
Androgynous cartoon sponge? Get it straight. His name is Bob, he wears square pants and he’s asexual!!
I am no Tom Cruise fan or apologist, but didn’t Katie Holmes say she had a crush on him from that movie? Maybe that was his cutesy way of recreating an icon scene... yep, still creepy.
That’s because everyone knows the best Sandra Bullock films are the ones you watch alone on a Saturday in your pajamas with a tub of Haagen Daaz and your cats, while your husband is gone all day. Or is that just me?? I will wait until this comes on cable, so I will get back to you with my review in about 2 years.
Wow. That background Gwen is not good. Not good at all.
Johnny Depp and Amber Rose have an “each other” problem? Is it because he needs about 30 showers, a flea dip, degreasing, a proper toothbrushing and anal bleaching to be even remotely fuckable?