That makes so much sense to me now! I didn’t even think about how it was being presented because I honestly think Halloween costumes for adults are so dumb.
That makes so much sense to me now! I didn’t even think about how it was being presented because I honestly think Halloween costumes for adults are so dumb.
At the Halloween Pride parades in Los Angeles, you have guys dressing as Cher, Joan Crawford and other famous female celebrities. Why is this any different? I do think the “unisex” label is the most offensive part.
Ah. Yes. Thanks for clarifying!
This is pretty much what should have been done with Darren Wilson. I find it highly suspect that a 49 year old “trainee” is on such a high level call. He should have been the one with the taser. Just really shitty police work, which doesn’t surprise me. Where I live, the police department recruits young guys right out…
That headline made me do a spit take. Hilarious.
Adultosaur 2016
In the brief times I have seen Khloe as a presenter and on the red carpet, her interviewing skills were on par with the girl you wish you hadn’t started a conversation with at a party.
As Jake Green would say, “NUTS!”
I swear I was the only person I knew watching it. But, when CBS cancelled it and then revived it due to fan backlash, I knew there were others out there! I’m still a little gun shy to watch serial dramas after Jericho went off the air for good. I have no idea what happened to Skeet after that. I’m still waiting for…
Major props for wedging a Skeet Ulrich reference in. Still bitter over the cancellation of Jericho.
I’m thinking you’re all younger than me! I am too old for the Duck Tales era. Now, get off my lawn!!
I’m finding there are a lot of fans of this particular piece. It just looks like something I’d hang in a kid’s room. It sort of reminds me of the horrible Jetson’s art Kanye had at his bachelor pad or those awful cartoony graffiti murals Chris Brown did on the side of his house. It’s like all these rich, single guys…
She’s probably got band aids on her nipples and duct tape fashioned into a g-string. But at least she makes a modest entrance.
I read that. $20,000. I guess money can’t buy you taste. I suppose he relates to Scrooge McDuck on account that he’s loaded and his wife and sister-in-laws all love to make duck faced selfies?
Hey, everyone. It’s okay. Her husband cheated on her with women who consented to be drugged! *face palm* Does any celebrity want to hire me as their personal Olivia Pope? Because no one seems to know how to handle their business (or words).
Exactly my point.
Of course not. I’m just finding the dismissive nature of an armed person at a mall highly suspect.
A loaded rifle and a kevlar vest at a Macy’s portrait studio? I’m gonna be that person who does not believe his story. He was gonna kill people. But, of course he was arrested without one bullet being fired, even though a lot of cops are fearing for their safety from unarmed men. I wonder why that is? Hmmmmm.......