
OK, so I'm looking at all your comments here, and I genuinely have to ask: is defending the worth of Skyline Chili really the hill on which you want to die?

But isn't that really true of any cuisine? My brother is of Korean heritage, born in Seoul, but never had kimchee until he was an adult. He hates it. On the other hand, he loves potatoes and waffles, traditionally European cuisine, because he associates it with our happy childhood. His daughters, who've grown up

where do you stand on Hard Times Cafe Cincinnati-style chili? Their chili nachos are a winner. I get them every time I go to Nats park.

They work just fine when people actually show up to vote. When a large majority doesn't, what we have is what you get.

To each their own.

Thank you!

I'm German and I lived in Japan for a year when I was a teenager. I've been to the USA but not long enough to really compare.

And I assume you're making do with the absolute bare minimum in all other ways- you're eating nothing but noodles, living out of a tent, and using a bonfire for heating. Otherwise, you don't have a leg to stand on.

The power your computer consumed while you typed this comment could have provided light for 13 orphans to learn to read. You monster.

"But I did realize one thing: these "social experiment" clips have to stop before someone gets hurt."

she doesn't think she is.

That is one ardently anti-Zionist cat.

Do you still jerk off with those guys?

What does it look like when she takes off her corset and clothes? Does her waist stay that tiny? If she stopped wearing it for awhile, would her body go back to normal eventually? I have so many questions.

depends on the hair type. The average little black girl can't just comb and go. When I was little (early 80s), you had to get your hair straightened and then braided which took some time. It's better now that it's acceptable for girls to wear their hair natural but it still takes time.

That's kinda bullshit. They greys had to be re-introduced because of violent porn images. Anyone can say anything they like unless they're actually being disgusting. People do occasionally call people trolls when they're not (disagreement is not trolling people, for the love of christ). Also the approval thing seems

Maybe this will start a national conversation about gun control.

Combined with a little bit of Ben Affleck?

This was also my first thought. I'm really surprised anyone who breaks fast food toilets to steal toilet parts would be at all attractive.

Think of all the Unlimited Appetizers!