
I'm waiting for the Real Housewives of Short Hills. These tacky bitches ain't Jersey.

"Pfft. We were 3/5ths there as early as 1787."

Thanks Mark for reminding us that we alone should choose what to do with our bodies and what makes us feel happy, and yes, beautiful.

Lets keep this civil and not mock this man for his physical disability, mkay?

Sorry but there's no intelligent discourse with people whose opinion is "My sky friend told me you shouldn't do that".

Early in the first book there's the scene where they go to the Wizard bank to see that it's being run by short, greedy, ugly goblins with comically exaggerated noses.

I'm going to go with yes.

+6 the other way

In related news, Giants fans mourn the passing of Eli Manning.

I don't understand why people keep asking this. Because he passed out? Because he was incredibly disoriented from having the crap kicked out of him and the concussion? It doesn't take much imagination.

There are reasons why white gun's rights activists can walk into a Chipotle restaurant with assault rifles and be seen as gauche nuisances while unarmed black men are killed for reaching for their wallets or cell phones, or carrying children's toys. Guns aren't for black people, either.

It honestly breaks my heart a little bit that this post even needs to exist — but the manner in which this has been handled (or not handled, really) by HQ is pathetic. Not reporting on it feels hypocritical, so here we are.

For what it's worth, I want to apologize to our readers who are forced to interact with these violent gifs regularly. The point of Kinja is to create a better platform for discussion and those discussions CANNOT happen when you're inundated by such traumatizing material. It's this person's goal to shutdown

Cheese on Cheese! Peanut Butter on Cheese! All crackers, all day long!