
Same here! So many feels.

Does anyone still watch the Office? (I struggle to let go of shows that have passed their prime. I'm sticking with HIMYM too). I got a bit misty eyed last night. PB&J!

I was reading this in my apartment this morning and my roommate asked what I was reading. I must have still had the morning mumbles because I told her the title and she goes "What?!?! WHAT are jew cleanses?! Some neo-nazi thing?".

Vodka tonic, two limes, coming right up!

& If you lack the funds to spend on one time use stage hair, you can just brush your cat and use that. Plus, if he walks in on you brushing your cat and then trying to glue the hair to your body, you might not even need to fake interest in sexy time to turn him way way off....


Yep. The Diane Keaton white suit (tm).

Hahaha. I can't imagine the number of black licorice jelly beans that end up in the garbage after easter. Strong disagreement on the buttered popcorn front, though!

Um, have you EATEN the black licorice ones? Or the buttered popcorn ones? Grape is far superior!

True! People are ridiculous.

WHO is buying this kind of thing? Honestly I don't even just mean tragedy memorabilia (which is its own kind of vile) but all sorts of 'last' mundane objects? I remember reading about the last bottles of crystal pepsi being sold on ebay for hundreds of dollars, as well as the last tub of some special mcdonald's sauce.

That makes sense. But the list is at what, like 4000 already? That's already unmanageable. I think that it's ok to have a crazy long list with all American Novelists because it's a really broad category, but it's nice to have them all in one place, even if it's not an easily navigable one. Definitely separate

Definitely! I understand they want the page to be organized, but 'running out of room' is a strange way to put it. I mean if the internet can find a place to house every cat picture and approximately 4 gajillion memes, I'm sure wiki can find a place to squeeze in the American Novelists with vaginas. In fact, maybe

Are you sure they didn't just order a chocolate lava cake and you missed the waitress bringing it out?

Eeeeeep same here!

What would happen if the original list became 'too long'? Would we run out of room on the internets?

I completely agree. But I still think there will be lots of comments of the variety I mentioned above.

Really? I predict a lot of 'It's just because you think all asians look alike, just like how they probably think your whole race looks alike!' comments.

I know, I remember reading all about that, probably on Jez. Ugh total sign of a shitty person.

Ah, good point. I had just started to forget that and now I can go back to being disgusted again!