
The internets thank you for your service.

Yep. More puppies, less creepy Romney interns. It shouldn't even need to be said...

From now on, I'm thinking I may only click on articles that say puppy. Just puppies all the time. And I will live in my happy puppy bubble and never ever leave. The puppy articles have so much squee! & So little rape/discrimination/general douchbaggery.

Definitely. But I think that he also could have really known their music well and played their albums and just didn't want to come across as a dick/correct the reporter (and ruin his shot at being on TV). He may even have though she just made a mistake with the title and so he said "oh yeah yeah. I play their songs!"

TRAP women in pregnancies they neither want nor are prepared for. TRAP families in economically unstable lives. TRAP society in an outdated mindset where nonsecular morality overrules science.....hmm well, on a positive note...I have to say this law has an accurate acronym.

Hmmm I'm definitely no source on Buddhist tradition! Although I agree with your assessment. I'm still leaning towards the belief that the sorority girl's foul was more in the public domain. The sorority is comprised of nearly 100 girls, so it was hardly shared among friends. I think anything you share with a group of

I'm not sure the two are comparable. The sorority girl sent out a lengthy cruel and crazed email to, what, 100 girls? She put herself into the public domain. And she had every minute that she was typing that letter to hit erase instead. On the other hand these two...I don't think they deserve to have their private sex

Oh well for fuck's sake. I think I need a vacation from the internets.

I'm sure I just missed the article, but what is the condom challenge?!

I hope someone brings card against humanity! And a nice cheese plate.


I agree...and he didn't really claim he played that fictional album (already forget the name they used). When asked about it he just said 'yeah yeah I played them all the time'.

How did...but? but...Whaaaa. I can't. I just...can't.


Hmm I guess that could be some small factor but honestly, I'd say probably .00001% of high schoolers are 21? I believe when the age restriction came in to place in the mid-80s they (MADD) largely cited some recent study that indicated the brain is still critically developing until 21 and alcohol could fuck with it.

I agree...I also think the drinking age should be 18 (actually, I think it should be 19...that way kids aren't in high school and connected to other highschoolers who are 14, but it's still not the absurd 21) but in a weird way I kinda feel like if the drinking age is stuck at 21, might as well go all the way and make

Hahaha I see it. I'm sure theres a meme about that on the interwebs somewhere.

You could always work the Rupert Grint/Prince Harry angle, as a positive....

But seriously...I don't know how those parents could watch their infant suffer with breathing issues and diarrhea for DAYS (as faith healing clearly failed) without caving in and rushing to a hospital.
