Yep. And Will Ferrell's post-award-snatching interview seems fake too, like he's in character.
Yep. And Will Ferrell's post-award-snatching interview seems fake too, like he's in character.
I want to become rich enough to buy my own island (or have one created) and fill it with kind dog-adopters and we will adopt all of the suffering dogs of the world. And every single restaurant/store will be dog friendly. And there will be so many dog parks! And the electricity will be powered by dog poop! And! And!…
D'awwwwwwww. That dad is awesome.
Oh trust me...there will be brie. In my experience it's one of the most adaptable cheeses for sexual play—wonderfully malleable. Not that I always prefer to have my sexual encounters feature cheese and cured meats, or anything. I mean, most of the time, sure. And yeah maybe I have a pre-coital mini-fridge next to my…
I know! I squee'd. I really like the name Mila too!
Mehh not sure I'm buying that it wasn't staged/pre-planned. Although I suppose no one mentioned it to production....
I may be biased by my desire to arrange a charcuterie plate on James Deen's naked body and then eat it off of him while Sexual Healing plays on repeat, but Farrah is a moron.
I got that...I am still surprised at how, in comparison, dc rent prices aren't as low as I originally thought. The studio I'm looking to move into is 1600....also I was more agreeing with the sentiment that (some) New Yorkers seems to enjoy pointing out how high their rents are!
I'm a DC girl as well and I was thinking the same thing.
I agree. I guess it's very subjective—depends on if it becomes distracting during school hours and all. Ultimately, I feel like it's often this same pattern where the boys bring it in to the school (if not physically the photo, then by being disruptive in class laughing about it or mocking the girl) and yet the girls…
Oh no I agree they definitely do cross class lines, I mean practically everything does. I was just sort of speaking aloud the stereotype. I think the association tends to be more tanning = Jersey Shore. Smoking = hipster new york musician, or something.
Selling edible lingerie? Market your product to women who buy lingerie based on how good it tastes!
It did say the boys were looking at the photo and LOLing in gym class because it's oh-so-funny...I think that brings the school in to the loop here. But I also agree that, while maybe not in this case, schools often step outside their zone of authority.
That's an interesting idea...and I definitely think it makes a lot of sense. Societal concern-trolling. We want to make sure people are aware they're making bad choices and all...I also think that the association between tanning and dumb teens in NJ doesn't help—smoking on the other hand does have a hipper following…
I had typed up a whole reply to this before I got booted off by kinja and couldn't log back in. I remember I was saying something about thinking the shaming was less health shaming and more, sort-of, class shaming. Because tanning is for dumb trashy teenagers in New Jersey but smoking is for the cool 20something…
Now don't you go stickin' your logic where it doesn't belong gosh-dang-it!
So based on the infinitely small sample size that is comments (comments not sucked into the vast grey void, that is) on this article and the tanning article...It seems Jezzies at large are a lot more accepting of smoking than tanning. I've seen at least a few comments on here about enjoying smoking, but almost…
That's really interesting. Especially because it's unlike smoking in that regard—there's definitely no negative consequences from smoking too little/not at all!
My inner New Jerseyan is hanging her tan head in shame. I don't do tanning beds but I confess to indulging in some sunbathing on the beach. I like how I look tan (socially constructed, I know, I know) but it also just feels so nice and the beach is so lovely! I think, like anything else, balance is key.