I already starred (favorited? shined upon it the warm light of my love? not sure what we're calling it) this comment but I just came back to love on it some more.
I already starred (favorited? shined upon it the warm light of my love? not sure what we're calling it) this comment but I just came back to love on it some more.
One day after a night of consuming alarmingly large quantities of goldschlager, I swear I could see gold flakes in my poo.
46 days away!
Feel free to sew me a yellow skirt too :)! I'm jealous of your craftiness!
Have you tried yellow skirts? I'm sure the yellow reflection is only noticeable in your face. I love yellow! So happy!
Excuse me sir, I believe you forgot your animal retreating gif.
Maybe my personal style just drifts a little prom in general but I really love that yellow dress! One of those pieces that can be styled for the office or for going out. MUST BUY. Also 73 more packs of archer farms fruit bars. WILL NEVER RUN OUT EVER.
On one hand, I guess it's refreshing to see a guy being so comfortable with a complete normal female bodily function. On the other hand....
Really? I can comment from the new system with the Kinja set up. Although I could comment on my iPhone browser before, it was just more trouble than it was worth!
New Jersey and tan mom also approve this message
I'm not sure I really want to break the chain of talking about the cute moosey...but I wonder where all those lasagnas will end up? I mean, they're contaminated with 1.6% of a perfectly edible meat (which is more meat than any mcburger contains, I'm sure) so it would be a really shitty waste if they got thrown out…
I was just about to use the road to hell quote on the Obama/Kamala Harris article....
Ah, um, looks like you replied to one of my comments about the Obama inauguration...the 2009 inauguration that is. Just kidding! Actually—I'm off mobile now and it's actually looking pretty user-friendly? Eeep don't wanna call that too soon.
Kinja! Kinja! The troll killing ninja!
Yep—-Gawker media trolls are at their worst on the namesake site. Here's hoping kinja clears it up
I basically just stumbled around the mobile comment system like a drunken rhinoceros—leaving irrelevant half-baked rants all over while attempting to comment on this article....feels a bit like a day in the life of Scalia, actually.
Damn. Totally wonky comma usage but I can't figure out how to edit on my phone in the new system.