One of the great things about the inclusion of douches on the Supreme Court is that I am less likely to encounter said douche, drunk in a beer stained NRA t-shirt at, say, the local Buffalo Wild Wings.
One of the great things about the inclusion of douches on the Supreme Court is that I am less likely to encounter said douche, drunk in a beer stained NRA t-shirt at, say, the local Buffalo Wild Wings.
Solid point. This is why I prefer to stick to the jezebubble of warm and fuzzy feelings.
The comments on this story on Gawker are a lot more vile, I wonder if that's courtesy of the new commenting system over in these parts?
So far, no "My aunt's sister's grandma makes $29i309432jj33j without even waking up!" posts, so I'm happy so far! (I hope this comment doesn't get caught in some sort of spam filter for that text, though!)
I remember being shocked when I first read about this and I'm still shocked now. I hope there is justice on behalf of this poor woman.
It's so rare that my picture is relevant! And by rare, I mean it's um...never happened. The capybara clearly doesn't have the same PR team as cats.
I think it will be replaced by print name and provide fb link or something...
Completely agree. All the DC shots (with the camera noises, between scenes) are great too...
I'm fairly sure it references the old scary story that ends with a woman thinking her dog was licking her hand all night but really it was an escaped mental patient who killed her dog and laid in her bed all night.
Oh myyy well I am just blushing!
There's a fair amount of maneuvering involved, I'll admit. If you're lucky, a disgruntled Home Depot employee will look the other way while you make use of a small ladder for balance.
I got my preferred polish color by using the 'color match' scanner at Home Depot to find a wall paint the exact shade of pink of my labia minora. Feminist AND thrifty cause buying in gallon form really saves you money.
Tan in a can, black eyeliner, and leopard print clothing costs sure do add up fast.
1. well, for starters there's the wine....(just kidding, of course!)
Spice up your life anyone else out there actually betting on this? Or just my friend group? (On that note, GO BRAT PACK GO)
Yeah I'd like to hope that's all it's for. A funny baby shower gift (if you have the right crowd in attendance, not sure most grandmas would be amused) but not to be put on your child.
Yep. It's just...ick. VERY ick.
So I once saw a onesie that said "I may be cute but all daddy wanted was a blowjob"....I'm torn because I was amused for a second, but also putting the word 'blowjob' on your infant is kind of awful. I definitely didn't think they could manufacture a WORSE onesie but this has managed to sink to a new low.