
I am adding “stamina” to the list of words that make me cringe. It is like she went down a list of what to say about a man to boost his confidence and make him like you.

Fucked up to turn a post about a woman’s professional endeavours into a discussion of her body. Who ungreyed this guy?

Fun fact: she admits that she wants to be “hot” (which is, of course, a matter of perspective) in order to crash her ex’s wedding to another woman to make him regret breaking up with her. Seriously. Not health or anything even remotely noble - just to “show up” your ex’s new wife. She just keeps finding new ways to

You can be pretty and still be disgusting on the inside.

She does look great, but I’m skeptical of that size 4 thing. She looks like I did at a size 8.

Can I just remind you that the original reason they got a reality show is because a morbidly obese white trash mother had a morbidly obese white trash family and specifically a fat rednecky child who entered beauty pageants and people enjoyed laughing at them? What a time to be alive.

I had a nightmare I was having an affair with Paul Ryan, had his kid. I woke up so confused and ashamed.

“You don’t know the power of the First Lady.”

Follow them on Twitter- Bradley & Richard are providing much of the commentary their characters would. #PresidentBawbag

I’m starting to think men shouldn’t be allowed out of the house.

Kellyanne Conway is like most of the conservative women who mock feminism because they don’t understand it. She doesn’t have what it takes to be a leader, to advance the cause of women, or to do anything that is actually helpful. She criticizes feminism without any sense of irony because she believes that she is so

“And I’m neither anti-male or pro-abortion.”

Now playing

I totally agree with you; I’d just like to point out that it hasn’t been the last few hundred years! That was Jewish history in Europe — and a devastating history it has been. The enmity between Muslims and Jews has largely been a product of the founding of Israel in 1948, and the expulsion of the Palestinians from

Now playing

Tech is inclusive of both types. White men and Asian men.

Are you ugly? Because I am, and I’ve worked in a bio lab where I was ignored constantly, too. It was kind of great because I could get shit done.

Um no, not maybe still a guy. Legally, psychologically and socially she is female.
It’s bullshit attitudes like that that led to her having a fucking emotional breakdown back stage and resigning.

Just, manager.

???? His parents are liberal Jews...