Mitchell and Webb being flawless as usual.
Ok but why don’t women appreciate me for the hobbies I have now, which include criticizing them online and playing video games?
JUST WATCH PEEPSHOW. I’ve ranted about this before but I am excessively annoyed by remakes (in particular American remakes of very good British programmes). If you think Peepshow is funny, just watch Peepshow.
I don’t think it necessary follows that if you’re incapable of monogamy that non traditional partnerships or non monogamy is going to be a better fit for you. Honestly, if a person lacks the communication skills and emotionally maturity for successful monogamous partnerships, then they’ll likely be absolute trash at…
And do you think rewarding the GOP by letting them take full control over the state is going to make things better for us in VA? Because as a citizen of the state I can tell you right now, it’s not. I’d rather have Northam, Fairfax, and Herring stay and finish out their respective terms instead of rewarding the bigots…
It might be time to press Ctrl+Alt+Delete over all of Virginia politics.
Yeah, even in the LGBTQ community, it is implicitly understood that drag is for everyone... that is adult.
Please don’t enable this. He’s being pushed by his parents and the alt-right is claiming that he’s being ‘sexualized’ by the LGBTQ agenda. It’s bad all around.
Don’t kid yourself - people have been abusing the totally helpless in this way since waaaaay before Trump.
Quibble: Virginia is quite purple. Any attempt to call it a blue state could lead to complacency and frankly the state can’t handle that shit. Also I thought MLK was 15 Jan and we only celebrate MLK Day on the third Monday of the month.
It’s weird how easily Republicans go from “Lincoln was a Republican!” to honouring the men who declared war against him.
It sounds like Average Anna has a pretty good time until she gets married and has kids. That was obviously her mistake.
Thanksgiving has always been the best holiday for me, Mom and Dad. Even though it was just the three of us, Mom would insist on making a 23-25 lb turkey (they REALLY like leftovers).
I may be a filthy millennial, but all these stories about the faltering of traditional capitalist markets is starting to make me think that it’s not all because of the avocados.
Dude, if my partner ever complained about my choice of underwear, I would take all of his, hide them, and replace them with 7 pairs of g-string banana hammocks and tell him to have fun wearing them for the week. He can at me again afterwards about g-strings if he so desires.
“’s frustrating that my husband still has this grouchy attitude toward “granny panties,” which he basically considers anything that’s not a g-string or a lacy string bikini.”
This is the fundamental ridiculousness of VS encapsulated. Make bras that make tits look bigger, but don’t make bras for those with actual big tits.
Actually, many women of color named Ricki Lake in their response, telling her that she wasn’t even the first white woman to do it. So please, fall back.
This was so unnecessary. She could have just easily said, “OMG how could I forget?! I’m in good company ;)” and kept it moving. Instead she went all #WhiteFilmsMatter and it’s becoming a thing now.
Swear my ass shoulda gone into PR