I haven’t had a chance to watch the show yet, but from the previews I’d say she’s at least got the hair right.
I haven’t had a chance to watch the show yet, but from the previews I’d say she’s at least got the hair right.
My 54-yr-old mother buys them in large quantities from Amazon and eBay and carries them in her purse. She doesn’t ever want to be caught in a situation where she has to use a boring pen.
Yeah, I had one of those. Tested or Facebooked me once a day for a month before I finally blocked him. Don’t ask why it took so long.... He showed up at the convenience store across from my office and asked about me, too.
😐 Men are the very worst.
Where do you live, though? When I’m visiting my grandma in Arizona, 83 is perfectly reasonable. But at home in Virginia, anything over 75 is intolerable because of the humidity.
No way, man. Unless the mold is everywhere or particularly gross, I do that all the time. I cut the mold off my cheese, I rub the mold off my bread, I carefully scrape the mold out of my pesto jar....
As a person who works for a company that deals with delivering eggs to people’s homes, I am WITH YOU on the last one. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve talked off a ledge because their eggs sat outside their door for an hour.
We lived 70 miles outside of Vegas, which was where the nearest hospital was. They didn’t quite make it, so they pulled over on the corner of Sahara and the Strip and my brother was born in the front seat of our van.
Actually, I’m pretty sure it would be no bueno. My ex liked catfishing, and the big ones apparently don’t taste good.
Ooh, fun! I’m not in a business that requires any trips, but I imagine them feeling super adulty. :D
Same. The payments are significant, but it will be nice not to wonder what $1000 repair I’m going to have next month. That damn Ranger was such a money pit. I’ve spent more repairing it over the last 18 months than I paid for it in the first place. Plus, now I don’t have to squeeze my two 50-lb dogs into the front…
I just bought my very first car that wasn’t 15 years old! My first car that didn’t cost me less than 3k. My first car that MIGHT actually last me a significant amount of time. At 27, I’m finally starting to feel like an adult. (It was an expensive price to be for adulthood, but it’s a hella nice ride. B-) )
I’m with you, except I’ll take my non-California strawberries dipped in a homemade lemon or orange simple syrup, please.
My dogs making snacking noises and waking me up makes me want to cry. I’ve come close to banishing one from the room when she just wouldn’t stop, but that would make me feel like a terrible mom.
There are people in my life who do this, and I want to punt them into next week every time. It’s hella rude, and I would not say that it is “normal” American behavior. There are plenty of rude people though, so it’s not uncommon....
She was so pointless and boring! When the internet blew up about her a few months ago, I thought she was going to be a big deal. Not so. 😏
Seriously! I’m a broad-hipped broad and people say the same thing to me. Like it’s such a small thing
Yep. My grandma’s family is from Nevada, and every single one of her like... 8 siblings has had cancer.
If heather were an actual color, though, it would probably be a purple or pink, like the flower.
I’m with you. That eyeliner and those goddamn glasses. <3