
Truth! My last relationship went on WAY too long, but what I learned from it was invaluable. I have a better understanding of who I am, what I want from life, what I need in a partner, and what I truly can't stand in a partner.

Definitely happened with my last relationship. Unfortunately, I wasn't in a financial position to kick him out, and wasn't emotionally ready to cancel the wedding.... We stayed together for at least 6 more months, with really terrible, painful sex 2-4 times a month that whole time.

My first relationship (started right before I graduated from high school) lasted 1.5 years. Next one, two years later, lasted 4.5.

I'd be really surprised if Utah had a ton of religious exemptions. Mormons are pretty trusting of doctors, for the most part.

Hell no. Once I got over my fear of being that girl with two failed engagements, I kicked his ass to the curb. I've been happily single for nine months, while he found another sucker to take him in within two weeks.

That sounds like something my grandma would do. I can't have a conversation with her that doesn't include some shady comment about my life.

My FIANCE gave me shit about wearing white because I'm "not a virgin". So many reasons to be glad I dodged that bullet.

As funny as this article was, this was the first thing to make me giggle aloud. <3 Chekov.

My dogs always hang around my feet when I'm chopping veggies, because they know I'll drop some. They go bananas over broccoli stems. It's the cutest thing. <3

I feel you. I had to have the joy whole exhaust system on my truck replaced in November. The heat pump went out at the beginning of December and they had to order a part, so I was without heat for 5 unseasonably cold days. Then two weeks ago, I had to replace just about everything involving the brakes on my truck.

My brother had one done, and he didn't really have much pain afterwards. He did think he was Jack Sparrow and tried to push the wheelchair that they gave him to sit in, though.... You'll be high as a kite when it's done.

tansy9! Her stuff is so awesome, and I met her on a Star Wars message board, so I think she'd have fun doing what you're looking for. She's on Deviant Art.

Man. That could so be me and my sisters.

Tempo Teal was pretty much the only one on there I liked. The approved colors are icky.

Ew. Everything here has been unfortunate, but this just made me feel physically ill.

I kept the first one (a $99 "right hand ring"). It's somewhere... but it would probably take me a few days to find it at this point.

An Irishman wearing a kilt? This wins for me, just because of how infuriating wrong that is.

Can you blame her, though?

Oh, they've definitely changed. Arthur did for sure, and I think Brain and DW, too.

Buster is my bestie. <3