
Oh, god. I had to stop reading when I realized what was about to happen. :-( I managed to get a sliver of wood under my pinky nail recently. Nothing as big as what you're describing, though. Awful.

She's a great long-distance friend. Other than that, I don't really know. She's so high maintenance in person.... Her boyfriend and I are "the only people [she has] left" so I hate to cut her off, but I can't help someone who doesn't want help.

I went to my friend's house the day before Christmas Eve. She lives in DC, which is two hours away and also involves a trip on 66 and 495, so I don't make the journey often. Last time I was there (May), she got drunk and picked fights with her boyfriend and me. I wanted to go home but I have narcolepsy and was WAY too

That's the best thing I've ever heard. Mormons are so silly. My step-mom (not Mormon) had an Amazon wish list with several items on it, including some Scottish coffee. My siblings (Mormon) bought everything on the list EXCEPT the coffee. This included a dog toy.

Right? Star Wars managed to make Sam Jackson and Ewan McGregor absolutely awful, so I really don't blame Natalie for complaining. But she should just be glad she isn't Jake Lloyd.

Yeah, the steaks are pretty ridiculous. We sell some pretty expensive meats where I work, and I think you could at least 1.5x, maybe 2x as many steaks for that price. And that's local grass-fed.

I have Netflix running on my phone for white noise. I just run through shows that I've seen so many times that I practically have them memorized, that way I don't feel the need to focus on them.

I've never understood the chiropractor hate I see around here. If THAT'S what chiros are telling y'all, it all makes sense.

Seriously? I just... people. :/

I've been watching The West Wing while working on strong whiskey sours, being disappointed they weren't having much of an effect. I ran out of sour mix and came to bed, where I'm reading Jez on my phone.

The best I can figure, it is a religious issue. He agreed to some religious stipulations she made, they got married, and now he isn't so crazy about it. An adult would have seen it coming, but she is a fairly immature 23.

My sister just moved back in with my mom, and she got married 8.5 months ago. Not to a cheater or an axe murderer, that I know of.

I did. I've seen a few random post-12 episodes, but it has gone way downhill since he left.

My ex lived with his parents when I started dating him (26) and was really emotionally dependent on them. Once I FINALLY got him to move out of their house, we ended up there almost every weekend.

Anyone who doesn't want to name their first son James Tiberius and the second one Feyd Rautha.

+1 on picky eaters. Cannot.

Especially when they weigh 325 lbs (which in itself, is not an issue for me). I don't know what the fuck I was thinking. That was my first goddamn sign.

I'm just glad to hear I'm not the only one with a crush on Robin Hood. That voice. <3

I've never been pregnant, so I could be way off-base here, but... I feel like swimming might be a relief?

I was reading through this thread only partially engaged, but nothing gets my attention like a picture of Sam Neill. With a mustache, no less! Is this on instant?