
Man. I've been to Whole Foods a total of three times, I think. Once to get flowers, once to look for dried porcinis (because Kroger wanted $13.99/8 oz?! they must have been mislabeled), and once to buy lunch for a homeless guy. We got him a HUGE chicken breast and two sides, and I think it was $6-8 bucks? I thought it

The girl in that picture was my best friend in elementary school. That's all I have to say.

Wait, what? When did I fucking miss that?

Yeah, the weirdest name ever, for sure. But it's super cute.

I've been eyeballing the Traveling Cupcake Truck dress for a few months now, but I'm 5'8" and I know it will be shorter than I'm okay with. :(

The article I found said the son was Austin, and the tweeter was Tanner.

I had to Google it before responding, just to check. Insane. Is this the same son who caused some trouble for him a while ago over some racist tweets or something?

Indeed. I live 10 minutes away from my mom, so she is able to take care of my girls when I'm not around. If I didn't have her close by... I wouldn't go anywhere. Ever. :| I had a panic attack when I had to leave one of them at the vet for 10 hours to have a tumor removed. (I truly lost my mind. Everyone thought that

That would definitely be a problem for me. I love cooking and food in general. Potatoes are really rare in my house, and I always try to focus on the veggies as much as possible. I work for a locally-grown produce distributor, for God's sake. Being a picky eater is just a sign of childishness that I don't care to deal

If I read the article right, this is more for repeat offenders who have come to jail pregnant.

And porn gifs. Unless I missed those.

I almost hit my dad with a baseball bat once. Where does that fall on the precocious/problem spectrum?

Okay, so it sounds like I didn't miss anything then. My question is, how the heck did he end up with a feeding tube? Is that something that they would put in for ear infections...? That's really where I'm hung up on this thing. Surely you can't just walk into a doctor's office and ask them to insert a tube into your

Maybe I'm not clicking the right links or my reading comprehension is shot, but.... Was there something wrong with him in the first place and then she got addicted to that attention, or was this all her from the very beginning? There's a picture of him at less than a year old with a feeding tube, but I don't see any

The rest of the state sure wishes they would.

Nits are actually the eggs, and it's still the proper American-English term for it. Pretty nasty turn-of-phrase, when you think about it.

Older dogs are the best. My ex desperately wanted a pit puppy (everyone breeds them here, it's ridiculous), but I knew for a fact that he wasn't going to the the one house training it.

He never found a dog he liked, but I brought home the sweetest pit mix ever. She was an anonynmous after-hours drop off so they had no

I've never seen these before. I pay more attention to the news now than I did in 2012, but somehow I feel like this was probably glossed over the in mainstream media. :/

They aren't so bad, as long as the bed is kind of comfortable. 2/3 of my studies have been at a Hilton, so it was very nice. The other one was at a hospital and fucking terrible. I hope it went okay!

My ex had a really annoying ringtone of an angry cat yowling. It used to drive my dog nuts, but I think she finally figured out her dad was fucking with her and learned to ignore it.